Laughing With the Wind

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 Years before the Present: 

They've known each other for like 7 years already. Just a few weeks of knowing each other they already became close since they were both friendly people. They became close friends, sharing each other's life experiences and been treating each other like brothers and sisters. They listened to each other's stories. She talked about her dreams and he would assure her that she will always have his moral support. That was enough for her to appreciate him more. He talked a lot about his crush. She just listened with all her heart and genuinely desired what's best for him and what would make him happy, even to the very idea that his happiness won't include her in the picture. . . in the future. Years went by he had to move someplace for work. She had to move someplace, too, due to family conditions. But even though far from each other they were able to keep their friendship, chatting from time to time and still sharing life's struggles. . . She learned that his former crush already got engaged. . . 

One day she was able to go back to her previous city where they both lived. She was hoping to meet him again. Praise God they met again since he had to visit his family in the city. It felt like nothing changed between them. She was glad. He was still the same "brother and friend" who she valued so much. But of course, despite her fighting the thought, she somehow could not put off the idea of "what if", what if she falls for him this time? What if their friendship will move to another level? But the idea of "I would never amount to the beautiful ladies he had a crush on. Simply impossible," finally made up her mind that she should, must accept the fact that yes they have "forever" . . . forever friends and it is enough for her saying, "His friendship is already something so special that I had never dreamed ever possible, what more could I ask for?" . . . Although her heart was genuine when she said those words, still she had hope. . .

One night she dreamed of him. In her dreams of him, for she dreamed of him three nights in a row, she saw him calling her name. He was telling her something but she could not hear. He was sad, it was like they were tears in his eyes. She felt something was wrong. Since she didn't want to be negative about it she dismissed the idea and even she wanted to call him to check on him, she hesitated because she didn't want to sound negative or whatever. Until suddenly, one day a common friend sent her the news that he was gone. This time he left without saying goodbye. She was surprised and saddened and she regretted that she did not check on him simply because she didn't want the idea of her being negative. . .

Time passed by. She learned from common friends that he now lives in another place and also that he finally has a girlfriend. She was happy to hear the news, saying, in her mind, "At least now he has a special someone he longed so desired."

Another year has passed and after everything that happened, they were able to reconnect through chat and it was like nothing happened because same as before he still treats her the same: a friend and a sister. And she loves him the same: a brother and a friend. This time she would check on him whenever she feels like something is wrong and even if something is right she makes sure to check on him. He likewise does the same. Every day she prays for him. She may never be part of his "future", but one thing is for sure, he will always and forever be in her heart.

. . . . . . )


February of 2020
Outside the house.
Busy doing chores.

She is now sweeping the front part of the house where she lives. She is smiling. On her right side, she can see the leaves piling up. She still holds the heavy broomstick with both her hands. Her head is slightly bowed down to where the leaves are. Slowly she lifts her head and when her gaze was slowly turning to the left side of the road she saw a tall guy walking towards her with a smile as bright as the sun. Then nearing her he was already laughing and his laugh and smile brighten his countenance even more. In her eyes, he is shining and his laughter surrounds her. His laugh is contagious that she could not help it but laugh with him. She is so happy that she finally gets to see him again in person and be with him even for a short period. But as for his happiness, she is clueless. Their laughter has now enveloped the place they are standing on. He is standing by her left side now and he pulls her gently closer to him facing her towards him. He's holding both of her hands. While he is holding her, she noticed a white-gold ring on his finger, suddenly she felt something inside her that she could not explain; she now feels like it has to do with the gladness she sees in him. So close to him, yet still not sure of what is happening, she wanted to make sure that her thoughts are right before saying the words "congratulations." Though honestly, she's hoping she's wrong. She's now looking intently in his eyes. He gets the message: she was imploring him of the ring on his finger and of what is happening. . .

Gently and full of love and smile on his face,  "I have two of this," he said. "I don't mind giving you the other one," saying those words while laughing softly and then gazes at her with so much hope in his eyes, "Will you take it?"

She knew that it was "impossible", she declared it before. But seeing his hoping eyes she suddenly remembers the "hope" she had and the feeling that brought that hope in her. She knew exactly how it felt like hoping for something you so long desired. And at this special moment, she sees the exact things in his very own eyes. How could she say no when she knew exactly that the man standing before her is the same man she's been praying for and hoping to spend the rest of her life with no matter how impossible it may seem. She learned not song long ago that if she will accept a man the only right word to say is "yes", but at this very moment, in this special moment, even that very short word she suddenly forgot. While accepting the ring from his hand the only thing she managed to say while smiling was, "Can this be pawned?" Seeing her reaction, he laughs even more and pulls her even closer to him. Now his left hand is caressing her left shoulder while his right hand is holding the hand where her ring rests.  Her head leans on his shoulder. The sound of their sweet laughter can still be heard in the dancing wind together with the swirling golden leaves. 


NOTE: The above story is complete in itself. . . :) 

Will post more stories... :) If you have questions please do comment here or send me a message. 

Prayerfully yours,

Sakura Cher <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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