Iori's Revenge (?)

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Iori: Nanase-san saw me adoring those cute limited edition Usamimi friends pens

Iori: He took a picture of me and showed it to everyone. It was embarrassing! Those pens were just bonus gifts that came with wafers! They made such a big fuss about it, saying I'm a tsundere and that I should show this cute side more often.

Iori: now everyone won't stop looking at me with a smirk on their face.

Iori: time for a payback

Iori: *sneaks into Riku's room at night and sees Riku's dreamy sleeping face*

Riku: zzzz...Tenn-nii..zzz

Iori: *stunned* s-so cute

Riku: *starts to shift but still asleep* zzz..who...zz

Iori: *panics, takes a picture of drooling Riku and quickly escapes the room*

Iori: *checks the picture just outside Riku's room and smiles like an idiot* Too c-cute I can't...! *smiles and blushes*

Yamato: *grab his phones and texts the others* Guys you won't believe what I just saw


A/N: yeah I love teasing Iori *smirks*

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