I dont know

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I don't know who I am
I don't know what I am
I don't know if I am

I know my eyes are the same, maybe a little more confused

I know my face is the same shape maybe a little more mature

But what I don't know is how I want to look
I don't know how I want to feel
I don't know what I'm going to do
Maybe it's the lonely feeling I constantly have because I've never been able to find someone to hold
Maybe it's because Everytime I try to get a point across I feel like I have to play it off like a joke that nobody really gets
I don't know
I don't know if this is the haircut I want
I don't know if these are the shoes I like
I don't know if I want to watch that show or eat that food
I don't even know if I want to stay friends with the people I'm close to
I know it's a tough process
I dont know if it will ever come to a stop or even a simple pause
But like I say, "It's whatever, I'll live"
I don't know if I'll live...
This isn't so easy because I don't know more than I do
The cons out weigh the pros
The walls are closing in and this breathing space is getting pretty thin
It's ok
I don't know why
I know that it's ok though
I know we all have problems that we don't know the answers to
I know I might never figure some of them out
I know you'll live
The only thing I don't know and may never find out is... If I'll live

Wassup, thanks for reading
Tell me what you think this means and where it comes from. I love reading others opinions

Hope you've had a good day so far and will have just as good of one tomorrow too👍

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