Political Treatise 1: Why the Concept of "Racial Privilege" Harms Racial Unity

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The concept of privilege in races can easily be understood, especially by those of the opposite race. For example, it is very easy for an African American to come to the conclusion that they are born into a position of lower opportunity than a white America, whether it be because of socio-economic conditions, the fact that the majority of our Senators and Representatives are white, etc. But assuming that this "white privilege" still exists in our society today is just not true and, in fact, destroys Social Justice and the movement in bringing each race closer together.

There is one main reason as to why this whole idea of privilege in races divides us: claiming and accusing a race, in this case, the white race, that they are automatically born into a socioeconomic condition of higher standing and, thus, are somehow superior to the other races actually isolates and is ostracizing to whites. Two other reasons are that not all white people are born or have been born into this higher standing, and there are a significant amount of government programs that are in place to help African Americans and other minorities to gain a higher standing in society.

Accusing a race of their privilege that they were given immediately at birth is a result of a victim complex that many feel in our society today, though this is besides the point. These accusations are ostracizing and push people away from the progressive movements. Where is my evidence for this? Me. I used to support the entire notion of the Progressive Left until I realized the massive bias that ir has against white people, which actually makes the entire movement one massive hypocrisy. It does not feel good to be constantly told "check your privilege" and to be demeaned based on the color of my skin, the exact thing this movement is trying to stop.

I want to get some common "counter-arguments" that many will have out of the way before I address the real counter-arguments. These "arguments" include condescending remarks such as "Oh boo hoo it sure is hard being white!" To people with this mindset I say: Instead of rudely disregarding my argument, why not take some consideration from it? Why not try and understand where I am coming from? If you cannot do these things, you are not worth my time, or anyone else's time for that matter. Change your own mindset before you try and change others.

Now I will address the real counter-argument. The main argument of many of you reading this may be: "You do not understand what those of other races go through." To this I say you're right. I don't. I have no idea how easy or difficult it is for other races in our American society, and I have formulated my opinion and perspective based off of this. I am willing to try and be convinced that White Privilege is real, but from my own experiences I do not see it as a major issue or problem in our society, especially since many programs are in place, in part by the NAACP, that help others of different races because of years of oppression.

This entire basis and belief of White Privilege comes from the fact that white people are seen more commonly as rich and powerful. This all comes from the past, where white privilege was not only a real thing, but could be more accurately described as white domination and supremacy. The hundreds of years of a bias for white people in our Union have caused our race to exceed the others, and, even then, not all white people are born into this higher standing of power.

It is imperative that we continue to dismantle these archaic systems that favor white people, though not many exist anymore. In addition, programs that help other races come to the point that white people are at must exist and continue to receive support. I am not a racist. Do not label me as such. I do not believe that Whites are above other races. I do not believe that the current social standing of minorities in our country is fair and on par with whites. I do not support the KKK. I am not a Nazi. Many that read this will label me as such, mainly due to the fact that they lack a proper response or argument. If someone wants to refute me on my position, be civil. Leave insults and the REAL racist remarks that you might call me out of this.

Finally, I end with the notion that all races are born equal. White privilege is an archaic system of oppression which puts the minority races in the current standing there are in now. Our brothers and sisters of the other races MUST be brought to par that we White people currently enjoy. Minorities are born into poor socio-economic conditions not because of current, existing systems but because of the past, a past which we must never forget, but try and prevent from happening ever again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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Political Treatise 1: Why the Concept of "Racial Privilege" Harms Racial UnityWhere stories live. Discover now