The Second Night

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Wolfvic and Drid approach from within the forest line that Syris and Winstin once rushed across to escape. Now they sit there waiting for an opening.

"So explain to me Wolf, why we don't just rush in?" Drid asks before Wolfvic squats and watches. 

"We don't want to risk a war over an international incident." Wolfvic says as he starts to see an opening. He quickly moves in undetected with the large Draconian in tow, they barely manage to get past them and makes it to the back door. Drid takes point and pulls out two lock-picks. As he goes to try a pick the lock the door opens to Winstin with his pistol summoned.

"Thank the Titans it's only you Star, but who is this Draconian trying to break in?" Winstin says as he ushers the two of them in.

"This is Drid, the next vessel." Wolfvic says as Eric sees him and attempts to get to them but Turon intercepts him.

"Don't do something you'll regret!" Eric pushes past him and as he approaches Star looks into his blood shot eyes. Eric glares before reaching Wolfvic. As he is almost to him he tightens his fist before sending it square into Wolfvic's snout forcing him to stumble back and almost hit the floor. Eric spits at him before Drid helps Wolfvic and his bleeding nose.

"Eric, what did that accomplish?!" Turon asks after being stunned by Eric's actions.

"It accomplished in releasing the pent up anger from what he did yesterday!" Eric says as night sets in. 

Wolfvic and Drid are the only two in the kitchen as Wolfvic washes the blood from his snout. "Should I ask what the hell was that?" Drid asks as Wolfvic dries his damp fur as Eric loudly yells to Turon that he and Star are done

"That was my, my ex, we didn't leave each-other on great terms." Wolfvic says as Drid walks up to him as he finishes.

"So, you're telling me a 10 like you, can't keep a 4 like him?!" Drid says as he eyes Wolfvic up and down before he kisses Wolfvic passionately for a second. Wolfvic breaks away from him as fast as it started.

"Woah!" Wolfvic says as he backs up a bit.

"Did you not like it Wolf?" Drid asks before Wolfvic looks around fast. "First, don't kiss me like that without consent. Second, if you're doing something like that, you better make me your mate!" Wolfvic says, and as he finishes Drid walks up close to him.

"Having a mate like you, I would set the world aflame to protect!" Drid says as he grabs a hold of the slighter shorter wolftin. Wolfvic looks around quickly again before getting a wolfish grin and returning the favor for earlier by passionately kissing Drid. Drid taken off guard barely reacts before kissing back before Turon enters. The two of them break apart as Turon is shocked by there choices.

"Star, please tell me.... Why did you leave us?" Wolfvic sighs before showing his Friend his bare forearm, with no sigil.

"I thought you four would be stronger without a non-vessel with you. Drid here is the next vessel, think my replacement!" Wolfvic says as Winstin enters the room.

"I can't say I didn't know Turon." Winstin adds as he takes a seat in the kitchen. Wolfvic and Drid stand apart as Syris just glares at Drid.

"Who are you Wolfvic to bring a Draconian into my house!" Syris says aggressively as she magical daggers at Wolfvic.

"Syris, with all respect. Drid is, my replacement as, a vessel!" Wolfvic as he takes a seat and Drid stands behind Wolfvic with both of their forearms. Syris's tone changes slightly.

"Star, there were other options then ghosting Eric and dumping him for a Scaled!" Syris yells as her want materializes into he hand before taking aim at Wolfvic.

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