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A girl no older than 8 sat in her room looking at her window. Her golden hair falling into her eyes. Her eyes. Shine like a diamond held to the light. She was different from the other kids here. She was tall for her age. The other kids stayed away from her. They wouldn't talk to her as they would not understand her.

She showed up 8 years ago in the nearest field surrounded by metal. She was sleeping peacefully. Never made a sound until she was 3.

All the kids were running around outside playing tag. Except one. She was sitting by a tree. Drawing on a piece of paper. One of the older kids Josh walked up to her.

"Aww can you show me what you're drawing there?" She held the sheet to her chest shaking her head. Josh tore the paper from her " hey look it's freaky. Like you. No wonder your parents left you here. I heard there was some people coming today and they've already chosen who they're adopting. Me cause who would want you." He pushed her to the ground as more children surrounded them chanting for a fight.

Laura the girl looked up with tears streaming down her face as josh grabs her and goes to punch her. As his fist is inches from her face it's stopped. By a hand much smaller than his. Stronger than his. He looked into Laura's eyes but they no longer looked like eyes.

They looked like headlights. Yes headlights. From a car.

She was holding his fist with so much force. Everyone Could hear the bones cracking. Every. Last. One.

"L-leave me a-alone"

It was a robotic voice that echo through the air. The sound of footsteps backing away. Then a scream.


Then the footsteps got louder and louder until she released his fist.

A door slammed. Then the turn of a key. It was locked.

They left her outside the whole night. Or at least they thought they did. She climbed a tree to the top floor. Her floor. The attic.

No one dared to be in the same room as her. Well they definitely won't now. She stayed there day and night. Summer and winter. Hot and cold. For days. Months. Then years.

The only time she left was when there was a new person here for adoption.

She was never chosen. The owner brought food up every day and night. Brought her new clothes and books. But never made contact with her.

Everyone was afraid. But as the years passed by the group of children got less and less.

Now only 7 remained not including Laura.
As Laura came back to reality from a day dream she heard the bell go off. 'A new person' was all that went through her head.

She looked in a mirror and fixed herself up hoping this was it. She could get adopted right now. The other kids hadn't a chance they were all older and people always look for other kids.

As she rushed down the stairs to the front door the owner turned to her and gave a shaky smile. Laura grinned in return as she watched a couple walk through the door arguing slightly.

They looked odd but Laura did not mind it. She didn't know them personally. The woman Judy, from what she heard from the man looked at each of the kids but stopped at her. Laura.

Heart racing. Jumping out of her chest. She gave a small grin. Then it was liked she was being choked. A squeal.

"Aren't you adorable sweetie. What's your name?"

"I-I'm Laura bea."

Eyes. Eyes were burning through her skin of all the kids and the owner until Judy cleared her throat.

"How about we go talk in the main office yah? My name is Judith but hopefully you won't have to call be that anymore" Judy pinched her cheeks and walked with her to the main office with the owner and her husband following behind.

" now mr and mrs Witwicky, I would like to introduce you to our youngest child here. Laura Bea. She is 8 years old and has been with us since she was 2 months old" the raspy voice of the owner gave her chills as she watched her slide a file over to the Witwickys. "This is all the Information about her and if you could sign this document for records."

Laura could believe it. She was being adopted. She watched every hand movement they made when they were signing and it was like there were sparks going off inside of her.

"We will have an agent check up for the first few weeks to see if everything is ok and after that if you'd then like to officially adopt her you with have to go to your city station to sign a few more documents"

Laura can't remember much after that. She couldn't she was to excited. A family. She just got a family. The next thing she knew they pulled up to a drive way of a big house.

She leaped out of the car and ran to Judy's side holding her hand.

"Sammy were home I hope you were good the Mr.brown" she looked up confused at Ron 'who was Sammy? Is he a dog or something? No that's weird Sammy doesn't seem like a name for a dog' she had so many questions flowing through her head she didn't hear the footsteps stop infront of them.

She looked up and saw a boy a few years older than her maybe 10 or 11.

"Who's that?"
"Sam I'd like you to meet Laura Bea Witwicky. Your new sister"

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