The journey

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Riley was relieved that it was finally the weekend and the last day of his punishment. Riley returned to his barrack and walked down the rows of harsh metal bed frames until he found his own, lonely bottom bunk. All the other boys gave him solemn looks as they pulled their spair boots and uniforms out of the trunks and the end of their beds and stuffed them into their packs. 'I guess we don't get a weekend either' he sighed to himself 

Riley looked at them confused and one of the older boys threw him a pack. 'uniform, boots and your guns' was all he said. Riley did as he was told putting everything into the bag in order. Riley turned to ask the older boy if he should bring his box of bullets but he saw the other kids putting them into their packs so he did the same. 

There was a slight commotion at the door then it opened, like the mother of all domino effects they all were at attention saluting the Sargent. We walked silently past the bunks stopping at ones that caught his attention and examining them closer. He walked past Riley without even looking down at him. He stopped with his back facing the south wall and turned so he could see all the bunks now. His voice thundered through the dull grey room, some of the boys closer to the Sargent flinched 'Drills for four hours boys ' he spat 'Then these three fine Corporals will take their pick and you leave with them. '

The Corporals all had pleased looks on their tired, experienced faces. As the Sargent walked out two of the Corporals walked out behind him side by side walking in sync, the last one followed behind them but stopped at the opening to the door and turned 'At ease!' he said, then he walked out and slammed the door behind him. We relaxed, slouching in our positions. The higher ranked older boys grabbed their packs and motioned for us to follow them, we did. We marched onto the drill fields and set to work.

Four freaking hours later the boys were in their lines again, waiting to be chosen by the Corporals, who were standing in the same formation they had walked out in, the one from the back stepped out from behind the first two and started calling names ' Kyle, Jackson, Lucas, Dylan, and Mike' he said loudly and clearly, the five stepped forward slowly and looked and the Corporal. 'Come with me.' he said half way down the row.

The second Corporal glanced around the room, he looked as if he was going to choose from random- he did 'Oliver, Wesley, Matt, Seth and Marcus.' he didn't wait for them to step forward and he didn't tell them to follow him, he just walked out of the room and the five quickly registered what happened and followed after him. 

The last man stepped forward and gave an expecting look at the remainder of the twenty eight boys. He took a moment to take a deep breath. He pointed at Jonathan, Tucker, Adam, and Nicholas, he swirled his finger around the group and finally pointed at Riley. He could feel his stomach his the floor, he took an uneasy step froward with the other four boys, he shot an uneasy glance at Jonathan who was really the only friend he'd ever really had, he was a little relieved he would be with him. The Corporal looked at the rest of the group 'lucky dogs you guys are' he snickered 'you get to stay here' and with that remark he started walking signaling us to follow him. 

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