Chapter 2: Bartender

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My footsteps echo throughout the empty street. The pentagram lot up the sky in its cherry hue. The air smelled of old blood. Flyers danced in the wind here and there. It had been a while since I had set it. It was a few hours past noon. Soon, the silhouette of the hotel came into view. The hotel looked so beautiful. Finally, I made it to the door.

All of a sudden, I felt nervous. Silva had built up at the bottom of my mouth. I swallow it hard. I set my hand on the handle and gave it a good turn. I was greeted by a girl with an X over her left eye. For a moment she stared at me before yelling, "Hey, Charlie we have a guest!" Then, the sound of breaking glass and other things crashing to the ground could be heard. Soon, the princess of hell made an appearance. Her eyes locked on me and a beautiful yet fromiler smile came to her black lips. She said with an excited tone, "Hi, I'm Charlie." As she held out her hand. I was a bit stunned by her friendly manner. I stood there for a small moment before stating, "Hello, I'm Emma. I'm here for rehabilitation." The royal's smile grew even wider.

Right away, she drags me to an area and has me fill out paperwork. Next, I was introduced to some other demons. Vaggie, Angel Dust and Niffty I believe we're their names. She also told me that there were others but they went here.

Once, I was left alone in my room I plopped on the plush bed. I ran my hands over the soft comforter. After a minor or two, I sat up and spotted a TV. I looked around and then spotted a remote on one of the side tables. I grabbed it and turned on the TV. The first thing to come on was the news. I didn't really like the news so I began to flip through channel after channel. Soon, I found a poker channel. I watched that for about two hours. Finally, I went back down to the foyer.

The moment I arrived in the foyer I noticed a few more demons I haven't met. There was also a familiar her with long purple hair. Her ears twitched and she faced my direction. His faces lit up and she yelled, "Emma!" Before I knew it she was directly in front of me, "What are you doing here?" She was out of breath. I blinked a few times before replying, "Redemption."

"My love I have someone for you to meet!" She shouts.

Right away, a man in red just pops in right in front of me. His glowing eyes catch sight of me and ask, "Alastor a pleasure. Who might you be?" I clear my throat and reply, "I'm Emma. It's nice to meet you." After a while of talking to the couple, they left me alone.  Finally, I walked further into the foyer.

Looking around I found the bar. I felt a smile crawl its way onto my lips. I walked up to the bar and sat down. The bartender had his back to me. I asked, "One beer please?" A lazy gruff voice replied, "Sure." Getting a better look at the bartender I had noticed that he had cat ears and red wings. Once he has my beer in hand, he turned around. Then, his orange eyes met my bright green eyes. I just now noticed his top hat and red bowtie. He sets my beer in front of me and asks, "I haven't seen you before. Who are you?" I replied, "I'm Emma? I just got here a few hours ago. So what's your name?"

"Just call me Husk, " he huffed.

I took a sip of my beer.

"So how did you end up with this job," I ask.

"I was about to win the whole dame pot but that radio bastard teleported me here." He growled.

I lean in and ask, "So tell me about the game." He smiled slightly and told me everything that happened up to him getting randomly teleported. By the end of his story, he had sat next to me. His presents were oddly comforting and familiar. When he was finished I said, "Let's play." He looked at me with an are you serious look. I let out a quiet giggle and said, "Aww is the kitty afraid he'd lose." my tone was a teasing one. I don't know what got into me. "I'm not afraid and don't call me kitty." He growled. He then pulled out a deck of cards and we began to play. The game was a good game and there was no cheating. It was so much fun. After, a while we got tired and agreed to continue the next day.

Later, I was back in my room. I kicked off my boots and jumped into the bed. I pulled the covers over me. Immediately I drifted off to sleep.

Blood. That's all there is. The sky was pitch black. My feet are engulfed in the crimson liquid. Soon I begin to sink into the pool of death. Bodies began to fade around me. Soon I was drowning in the blood. I held my breath. My body began to ake. I then felt a hand grb mine. I couldn't make out who it was. They began to try too pull me free. It felt as if chains were wrapped around my right ankle. They pulled me further down. The hand that held mine faded away leaving me to drown. I felt hot tears well in my eyes as I'm pulled deeper and deeper. I pulled my hands to my sides then crossing them and pulling them into my body. Then, I procided to move into a fetal position. Finally, I felt myself slowly drown.

I snapped my eyes open. My breath was heavy and I was sweating. What was that dream?

Book 2: Snow Fall (Husk x oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon