Welcome to Dragon Training

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Once the dragons had all left, Runa started cleaning up. It wasn't long before Gobber joined her and asked how everything was. "Oh, you know. Crazy Vikings, hungry killer dragons, roaring fires, what more could I ask for so early in the morning? By the way, the water reserves are empty." Gobber threw up his arms and groaned. He shouldn't be that upset by it anymore. Every dragon raid she had to make sure the shop didn't burn down, which caused her to use the water meant for cooling down the iron. The dirty-blonde helped the girl clean up shop, hanging tools back up as well as the shields, swords, and axes. The maces went into a box under the hanging weapons while the nets and bolas were laid across a table off to the side so they wouldn't get tangled with one another. "So, I saw Stoick at the top of the hill with Hiccup." Runa didn't know how to start a conversation without straight out asking about him. Though the older man already knew what she was trying to do. "The boy almost got killed by a Nightmare! If it wasn't for his father being close by, Hiccup really would have been nothing more than a toothpick for the dragons!" Worry filled her heart as she turned to look at Gobber. "Also kept going on about how he hit a Night Fury. Ha! The day that happens I'll be handing the shop down to you!" Rolling her eyes, Runa took her old, stained green apron off and hung it on a hook. "I am never taking over the blacksmith till you're resting in Valhalla, Gobber."

Walking to the Haddock household wasn't all that hard, but did the chief have to have it up on a hill? Sure it wasn't steep, but it still bugged her. She needed to start working out to strengthen her legs. They were getting tired already. Then again, she had been running the shop by herself that morning. She knocked on the door as she called out for Hiccup. She got no answer. Stoick wouldn't be home for a bit because he had to clean up the mess the dragons made. As well as check to see the damage they had done to the livestock to see if more mutton or chicken needed to be purchased from the traders so he could feed the village during winter. Slowly, she opened the door and called out for her friend. "Hiccup?" Walking in all the way she got only silence as a response. She walked up the stairs to his room, calling out once more for him. Nothing. Sighing, Runa turned around and headed back down the stairs. Only after taking as look around the rest of the house did she notice the back door slightly cracked open. "Well, time to find a Haddock." The door was shut completely this time.

It was a dumb idea. She had no idea where she was going. Hiccup didn't leave any clues as to where he was heading or where he had been. When she called out for him, he didn't respond. Sighing, the wheat-blonde was about to turn around when the boy she was looking for walked out of a line of trees off to the side of the path she was on. He had yet to notice her so she crossed her arms and waited for the auburn haired boy to turn towards her. When he did, he jumped a little out of surprise. Her finger tapped her arm and she raised a brow at him. "Ah! Uh...Runa...h-hi there!" But he knew he was in trouble. "You realize you just left me alone to work at the shop, right? During a dragon raid? You're lucky they didn't stay around much longer after you left!" She threw her hands up to show her frustration. The boy rubbed the back of his head and avoided eye contact, laughing nervously, but quickly stopped when he saw the slight glare from her blue eyes. "I know I know. I'm sorry! I just had to...to..." He lowered his hand and looked back towards where he came from, a frown on his face.

Noticing his change of behavior, Runa tilted her head. She expected him to say 'kill a dragon!' but instead he cut himself off. Like he was thinking something over. Rolling her eyes, she grabbed his arm and pulled him along out of the woods. "Well you owe me mister. I cleaned up your mess on the hill too." The two friends walked side by side as they headed back to the village. Sighing, Hiccup apologized as well as thank her for all that she did. Even though she seemed upset, she just waved her hand as if it didn't bother her. Being seen as a nobody bothered him more than her. For her it meant people didn't expect much and left her alone but being the village chief's son he was looked at as a disappointment. He wanted to make his father proud.

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