4 [M]

47 9 14

Aoi Chigusa 

"Son, you've always been a good student ever since you started schooling. Tell me, what changes you now?" My Oto-san asks. He sits across me, holding a cup of tea with both of his hands. His eyes look straight to mine. The lines on his eyes and forehead are more emphasized than usual.

"To-san, I didn't fight her," I tell him. He nods and sips the tea. The slurping sound disturbs the silence. He places the teacup with a thud and then he clears his throat.

"Did you do something to provoke her?" He asks. The fact that he's very composed and calm about this makes me feel really guilty. Oto-san isn't angry but he's disappointed.

"I made fun of her friends," I reply softly. I look down on the short-legged table and press my lips together. He heaves out a small sigh from his nose.

"Were you with your friends?" He continues to interrogate. Still looking down, I nod. "Her family name's Ishiki right?" I nod again silently. My eyes widen as I hear him laughing.

"Like Father, Like Daughter." He mumbles.

"You know her father?" I shot up a question this time. He pretends not to hear and empties the tea in one go. He then leaves and goes back to his room to rest. I clean up the cup and the kettle then I plop over to the sofa in the living room.

It's probably just nothing. Besides, there are lots of Ishikis in Japan. He probably mistook them as another set of Ishikis. The country may have a dying population but it doesn't mean it's that small.

We don't have a television but in front of the sofa is an old radio on the coffee table. I want to listen to a station but I'm too lazy to stand up again. I stare at it for a few seconds and then, I give up.

It's okay, I can entertain myself with my thoughts. Hmmm...

Maki's soft brown curls are so fun to stroke with my fingers. Her smooth brown hair compliments her big dark brown eyes. I want to trace her fat cheeks and her pink supple lips. She's so pretty, I'm always lost for words when I see her. She resembles the actress, Erika Sawajiri.

Suddenly, I feel my dick harden. I look down on my shorts and see it bulging. I could feel the texture of my briefs. Damn, it always happens even without thoughts of Maki. They say it's even worse while you're in your teenage years. Good thing though, it's just me here so I'm free to parade it out.

Ugh, it's still there and I can feel it throbbing. I turn my body around, my front facing the sofa and my butt facing the surface.

Think of something random. Quick.

Bananas. Wrong answer, idiot.

Strawberry Jam, Cereal, Ugly Chihuahuas, Stinky Rats.

Yes, it's starting to calm down.

I can feel that this one is going to be quick.

Ding Dong!

Oh my god, whoever that is, it's the wrong timing! I hop out of the sofa and inspect the area. How the hell am I going to hide this monster?

Ding Dong!

I run towards the kitchen and search for something. What the hell am I searching for?

Ding Dong!

Oh my goodness, just calm down, will you? I stare at the white apron that hangs on the wall. Wait... Aha! I clap my hands and grin. There, I wrap the damn apron on my body and sprint off towards the main door. Before I twist the knob, I look down and check my bottoms. It doesn't show so I'm safe. I sigh out of relief and open the door.

With the luck that I have here. Maki stands in front of me and greets me with an embrace. I make sure not to move my bottom close to her body while I put my arms on her.

She bites her bottom lip and scratches her chin. That means, she's nervous about something. The sight of her worsens the tightness I feel in my briefs. I pat her head and ask her, "What's bothering you?"

"Let's break up."

What did she just say? Her voice echoed in my ears. She looks at me straight in the eye and waits for my response. My problem under there instantly hangs down after she dropped that damn bomb. Oh yes, definite boner killer, it is.

I blink my eyes countless times and scoff. I chuckle nervously and grip the doorknob.

"What did you just say?" I ask. She shakes her head and says, "You heard me." I can see her bottom lip quivering and her eyes glistening with tears.

"I must be dreaming," I say, holding a hand to my forehead.

Seeing that, I have a hard time processing it, she sighs and turns her back. "I'm sorry, we've been together for so long, I already got bored," then she walks away. I could her heels clacking down the smooth tiled floor of the hallway outside. There were no other tenants around to witness the scene.

I place my palm on my chest and drop down on the floor. I've been dumped? My right hand is still holding the knob. Maybe, I shouldn't have open the door just then.

Is this real?

All of those three years together with the café dates, strolling festivals together, kissing, arguing and putting up with each other are gone just because of boredom. Boredom? What kind of reason is that?

I bury my face with my arms and not long after, tears fall down from my eyes. The truth is, I am just in denial but I knew this was going to come. No relationship in high school ever lasts. I pull myself up and kick the door close. 

Maybe my Oyaji was right all along. 

Remembering that time, I used to ask him about relationship advice. He would answer me with Buddhist proverbs. One story made me very pissed. It was about the two monks who saw a woman struggling to pass an intersection. One of the monks assisted her and carried her all the way. When the two monks were then heading to a lodging temple, the other one asked why he carried the girl when they were not allowed to get close with women. The one who carried the girl responded, "I left the girl there, why are you still carrying her?" 

It just meant that the other monk is the one attached because he can't stop thinking about her. My Oyaji then proceeded to tell me about the dangers of attachment. He thinks that in order for me to get the inner peace is not to get attached. 

I should have listened to my old man.



Oyaji - Dad

Oto-san - Father

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