Prologue: The Arrow

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"Every cat has inner demons. And every cat is capable of destruction. Let me tell you kits a story of a medicine cat who proved this."

Broken and torn, a she-cat had her last living kit, Lilykit, taken away from her to her mate in ShadowClan, Badgerstar. She was ThunderClan's medicine cat and every cat would know medicine cats were not allowed to have kits or mates, let alone mates in other clans. She was overlooked by her clanmates in ThunderClan as just a simple sweet medicine cat. But secretly, rage and vengeance boiled in her blood. She wasn't strong, but she was certainly intelligent. She began to let her inner demons take over her without hesitation. One night during a loud storm, she headed off to take back what she believed was rightfully hers. She went to ShadowClan and murdered their leader, and her ex mate Badgerstar who was on his last life. Not only that, but she slaughtered the queen who was fostering for Lilykit. She was the last queen there too. She timed the deaths perfectly. Their screams were covered by the thunder, knowing exactly when to strike. The rain of the storm washed off her blood stained in her fur. She returned home with her kit and when she did, her clanmates knew something wasn't right. She was smiling chaotically, her eyes were tinted red and her kit was clearly traumatized. She was no longer the innocent medicine cat Dawnshade. She had murdered, and she loved it. By then ShadowClan had figured out who had murdered their leader and the poor queen who once fostered Lilykit. No cat would have expected a medicine cat to be able to do something so cruel. Immediately Dawnshade was banished from returning back to the clans. Lilykit was taken in by a queen in ThunderClan. In one day she had lost everything. Her reputation, her clan, her kit, and most importantly herself. She wasn't fazed though. This was no longer about her kit, but rather herself. Later, she set fire to the clans using what she had found in a nearby barn. She laughed chaotically at their fear. Her eyes were now forever tinted red. She loved watching the fire engulf the clans and took a fascination in starting fires. Luckily the clans were able to survive and rebuilt quickly. Eventually Dawnshade was shot by an arrow through her chest as if StarClan knew enough was enough. It took her longer to die than most cat would, but eventually she passed onto the Dark Forest. There she agreed upon a deal with her inner demon as they promised her that she would never be forgotten. They fused into a Dark Forest Spirit named Nightmare. A spirit with incredible power. This cursed Dawnshade's bloodline, binding them to the Dark Forest through what had killed her, an arrow.

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