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Who steals your food and what is it

Aries: Masky- Cheesecake

Taurus: Eyeless Jack- Muffin

Gemini: Nurse Ann- Bagel

Cancer: Ticci Toby- Waffles

Leo: Homicidal Liu- Potatoes (Don't ask lmao I didn't know what to put)

Virgo: Bloody Painter- Sushi

Libra: Clockwork- French Fries

Scorpio: Puppeteer- Pizza

Sagittarius: Jane the Killer- Chips

Capricorn: Sally- Pancakes

Aquarius: Lazari- Ice Cream

A/N: Hey guys. Sorry about the long hiatus I've just been very busy with my online school work. I hope to be able to post more often and I'll try to but I can't make any promises. I hope everyone is staying safe and please be sure to wash your hands often, if you go out in public (like to get groceries) then be sure to try and wear a mask. Please try and stay out of the pubic but you still can go outside and be sure to try and go outside as much as possible. Be sure to keep in contact with your friends. Love you all, stay safe! Also uh I've been kinda dead recently I probably won't upload that much so sorry. I feel guilty because I haven't been uploading a lot and I'll try and upload more but please don't be mad if I don't. Again so sorry, bye for now lol.

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