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My bow is raised with an arrow between my two fingers. The end is pointed at President Snow's head. I breath slowly as I begin to release my grip on the arrow.

"Miss Everdeen, it is the things we love most that destroy us," President Snow smiles wickedly.

I release my hold on the arrow and it begins to fly towards Snow's head.

Just as the blade was inches from its target, Snow's body dissipated into thin air. In his place a new one forms. Peeta.

"Why Katniss?" He whispered just as the arrows sliced through his head. Killing him.

I wake up with a jolt. I sit straight up and being to scream and cry. I felt warm, gentle arms wrap around my waist. Peeta, he's still alive. It was another nightmare.

I allow Peeta to pull me against his chest, which I cry into it like a baby. He rubs my hair and whispers words to me I can't even hear through my cries.

"P-peeta. I-I thought I killed you," I sobed into his chest.

"Shh, Katniss. It's alright. I'm here. I'm fine. I love you," he hugs me tighter and kisses the crown of my head.

After some time I'm finally able to breath again. I lean back from his chest a little to look into his beautiful, blue eyes.

"I love you so much. I don't know where'd I be without you. Probably dead.." I lean forward and place a small kiss on his neck.

"No. You'd be alive. You're so strong. If it weren't for you so many people, including me, would be dead," he whispers, leaning back against the headboard of the bed taking me with him.

We sit there in a comfortable silence for a long time. I eventually start to feel my eyelids become too heavy to hold open. Right as I'm about to fall asleep in Peeta's warm arms our daughter, Linnaea, slowly opens our bedroom door.

"Mommy. Daddy. I had a bad dream," she says, shutting the door behind her.

She's so adorable. With her thin, blonde hair, big blue eyes, and round face she's the deffinition of adorbale. To make it better she had her hand wrapped around her blanket she caries everywhere with her. So adorable.

"Awe. Honey, how about you come sleep with mommy and daddy tonight?" She nodded her head and climbed into with us.

I tucked her head on my arm and currled up next to her. Peeta curled up behind her, wrapping his arms around both of us. Now I was really going to sleep good.


"Katniss. Katniss. It's time to wake up," I peak open my eyes to see Peeta's handsome face. I smile up at him. "Well you look happy to see me."

"Of course I am! I didn't fight for you in two Games for nothing," I laugh a little taking Peeta's hand in mine and lace our fingers together.

That's when it happened. Peeta's grip on my hand became bone crushing tight and he started to shake a little. He was having a hallucination about the Games.

"Who are you?!" Peeta yelled angrily crushing my hand more.

"Katniss. Peeta, I'm Katniss. I love you. You love me. It's okay. Come back to me," even though he was crushing my hand I reached up to lightly stroke his cheek.

His pupils dilated and his hold loosened up.

"You love me?" His eyebrows drew together in confusion.

"Yes. Gosh, Peeta, I love you so much. It's the realist thing I have," he lets go of my hand and steps back.

"I-I'm sorry," he says shakily.

"It's okay. It's always okay," I stand up to place my lips on his.

This kiss was meant to calm him down and show him how much I loved him. I think it worked because he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist.


Hi! :D

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of Rehijacking!!

It's not much, but I was wanting to just let you guys see how Katniss and Peeta live with their "problems" now.

If you found any spelling/grammar (any mistakes) please comment so I can fix them.

Anyway! Please Comment, Vote, and Follow :D

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