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My muscles relax as I point the tip of my arrow at my target. The deer is standing next to a small stream lapping at the cool water with its pink tongue. For a moment I become extremely jealous of the deer. It's gotten to live a peaceful life out here with no one trying to kill it. It won't know any pain, because once I release my grip on the arrow it will die instantly. I, on the other hand, will have to suffer until the day I die. I'll forever relive my time in the Games and the Rebellion. The only relief I'll ever get from the nightmares are my beautiful children and Peeta.

Before I can over think things, and decide to let the deer get away, I release my hold on the arrow. I turn my head away as I hear the slice of the blade entering the deers head. Only once I hear a thump I look back.

I lean down and grab the sled I brought with me to bring any game I killed back on and walk over to the deer. Starting to maneuver the body onto the sled, I let my thoguhts wonder to my son and daughter.

Linnaea looks so much like Prim, it's like I've been given a second chance with Prim. I can raise my daughter and keep her safe. Prim's death will haunt me forever, but because of my sweet daughter I'll be able to try to get Prim's forgiveness.

My son, Lars, has the face of Peeta. Peeta tried to convince me that I'm hidden in his face too. His eyes aren't the same lifeless grey as mine, his twinkle with life. That's the only thing of mine I see in him. Everything else is Peeta. From the honey, blonde hair to the square face, it's all Peeta.

Once I've successfully lifted the body on the sled I grab the rope attached to the front of it and begin to pull it the short distance home. As I walk over rocks and fallen tree limb I listen to the sweet songs of the birds. Their seems to be more birds out here than before the Rebellion, or maybe they just aren't afraid to sing anymore. Humans weren't the only thing kept under close watch by the Capitol.

Before I know it I'm walking down the familiar gravel pathway outside of our home. I smile at the sight of Lars and Linnaea playing with Buttercup. Buttercup's laying on the ground flipping his tail as they make funny faces at him.

"Lars! Linnaea! Let that poor, old cat be!" I laugh when they start to whine.

"But mom we'w having to much fwun!" Lars turns to me and whines.

"You too can have fun with Pappy Mitch," I say gesturing to Haymitch's house.

Every since Lars and Linnaea could talk they've called Haymitch Pappy Mitch. Hatmitch has been like a father figure to me since the Games, so when they started to call him that I immediatly accepted it. Haymitch deserves a family better than Peeta and I, but Lars and Linnaea make it easier for me to see him stick around with us. He loves them so much, like his own grandchildren.

"Yay!" Linnaea jumps up and runs for Haymitch's house.

I watch as she pounds on the door while Lars runs to catch up to her. I can't help the full, toothy grin that spreads accross my face.

I jump a little and drop the rope I'm hold in my hand when I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist.

"How was your hunt?" Peeta whispers in my ear before kissing my neck.

"Good. I got us a deer," I reply back breathlessly.

"Pappy Mitch! Can you play wif us?" I hear Linnaea ask.

"Of course!" Haymitch replies back.

I hear a loud squeal from both Lars and Linnaea at Haymitch's answer.

"That's good. I've been dieing for some deer meet," Peeta kisses behind my ear this time, "I've also been dieing for some alone time with my beauitful wife."

I smile and feel a blush spread across my cheeks. I'm still not completely used to this amount of intimacy between Peeta and I. Even after two kids, it's crazy to be able to touch him without anyone judging us.

I slowly turn around in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck, "Well, I'm free and it looks like you are too," I kiss his lips, but before he could deepen it I pull back,"But first we need to fix this deer up," I peck his lips one more time before bending down to pick up the rope I dropped.

"Let's hurry up and get this done," Peeta says, following behind me.

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