Silver Spoon Pt 3

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We bid our goodbyes to Hana and then we left.

Yoongi:I can't believe you all, I'm already tired with one job and now you got another job for me within my 1st job.

Taehyung: Well it's part of our job...

Yoongi:Rlly, to get another job..?


Jungkook:Isn't it weird, that she just gave us the job?

Jimin smacked Jungkook's head.

Jimin:U make things too complicated Kookie, just relax your mind will ya?

Namjoon:We're getting closer and closer to the case. I think we are going to solve this really fast

Hoseok:Oh right, this was an investigation. I totally forgot


ext Day

'It's 5 o'clock! I should probably get up' I thought to myself. I walked straight to the bathroom, to get washed up after I was done I put my waitress clothes on and headed out of my room.

I didn't eat usual. I got downstairs to get the café/restaurant ready. It's currently 5:34. I think I have enough time to bake those pastries.

'Where are those two?' I asked myself

I shrugged to myself and started getting my ingredients.

And the list was long.
We get wishlists, of what like people want us to serve at the restaurant. Apparently Sora is having her birthday party tonight

'Oh, good lord. I totally forgot about this.'


The door of the café/restaurant bell rang

'Morning' said the girl

'Good morning sweetheart' the guy said


Choa:I don't know, Jackson mind if you tel her....

Jackson:Yes, I do mind as a matter of fact! He said.

Hana:Sluts, Alcohol in your apartment... Again?

Choa:ohoho you name it. So wassup?

Hana:I totally forgot today is the mayor's daughters 20th birthday? She has this crazy amount of things wished to be made. And on top of that we still have to bake our servings.

Choa:Saturday's ones sold out?

Jackson:Yeah, they were a lot of people in here yesterday afternoon

Choa:And you didn't bake more?

Jackson:Me? Bake? Pfft... As if I'll ever do so!

Choa:Why is this skinny asshole dude working here!

Jackson:Correction Thic asshole.. Your welcome...

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