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Neville's POV
After the staff meeting I went to my classroom, the weather being too bad to go to the greenhouses. I waited as my first class trickled in, 7th years in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, figures. I wrote an assignment on the board and the Ravenclaws quickly began to do it, but the Gryffindors had other ideas.
"Professor Longbottom, Fred and I couldn't help but notice that it's been five years since the Triwizard Tournament. Does that mean that this year is the Triwizard Tournament? Is it finally our turn?" Victoire asked excitedly. I tried to act natural, but knew I failed as the class began to giggle from my undoubtably startled expression. I tried to formulate something else to say except the truth, but to no avail. I sighed and gave up on pretending and waiting.
"You are correct Miss Weasley. The Triwizard Tournament is this year and all of you are eligible to compete. However, I do remind you that the Triwizard Tournament isn't all about the Yule Ball and the money and fame. It is also very, very dangerous and I would advise you all to think carefully about your skills and your own personal limit before putting your name into the Goblet of Fire, because once you put your name in, there's no going back. You don't get to stop, you have to continue. It's a lot harder than you would think. So yes it is this year, but in my opinion, it's no reason to get excited, more like nervous." I explained. The class fell silent and went back to their work, my stern expression and negative explanation telling them that enough was enough. Normally I'm the nice professor, but when it comes to the Triwizard Tournament all I can do is think of Harry going through that in fourth year and Cedric dying. I know Cedric's death had nothing to do with the Triwizard Tournament's obstacles, it was Voldemort, but the Triwizard Tournament has been fatal before and it will be fatal again, and I do not wish to be apart of that. The rest of the class went by as smoothly as possible, along with the class afterwards. I ate lunch and then prepared for my next class, which is first years in Slytherin and Hufflepuff. They all trickled in one by one and finally sat down.
"Now, today we will be learning about Dittany. Who can tell me what Dittany is?" I asked and hands shot into the air. I called on Nathan Lomberno, Hufflepuff.
"It's a magical healing herb normally used in potion making. It has restorative powers as well. When used, it makes fresh skin grow over a wound. Once it's used, the wound appears to be weeks old." Nathan answered.
"Good, 5 points to Hufflepuff. Now, who can tell me when Dittany can be used?" I called on Jennifer Queltings, another Hufflepuff.
"They probably used it during the 2nd Wizarding War." She stated.
"That's true, but I'm talking about a personal experience." Rose slowly rose her hand and I called on her.
"My dad is not very good at Apparating and he got splinched on our way to Diagon Alley this summer, so my mom had to use Dittany to help him feel better." She explained.
"Brilliant, that's what I want! 10 points to Slytherin. Shredded Dittany is also an ingredient in the Wiggenweld Potion, also known as the Burning Bush, which sometimes releases flammable vapors. All in all, Dittany is a great herb for healing." We continued to discuss Dittany for the rest of the class, but the only stories people were telling about the usage of Dittany were about the 2nd Wizarding War which none of them were apart of or there for. No matter how many times I tried to remind them that I wanted something personal, they kept saying "My dad used Dittany on people injured after the Battle of Hogwarts" or "My Aunt Patricia needed Dittany after a Death Eater sliced her arm open with dark magic". Class ended and the class began to leave, their homework assignment being to write an essay on an actual personal experience they had with Dittany.
"Rose, can you stay behind?" I asked.
"Of course." She replied and walked up to my desk.
"Should we wait for you?" A Slytherin girl asked as her and a Slytherin boy stood at the door.
"No, go on without me. I'll meet you in the common room." Rose answered and they left.
"So, how's your first months at Hogwarts been?" I asked.
"They've been... interesting."
"Rose, I'm not Professor Longbottom right now, I'm Neville. Your friend who has known you since you were born." She looked up at me and frowned.
"It's been horrid. Most of the Slytherins hate me, I barely see Albus or Reggie anymore, and there's no Quidditch. I miss my family. I miss mom and dad and Hugo and Otter and Lily and Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny and all the rest of them. I'm lonely and sad."
"What about the kids who waited for you today?"
"Martha and Noah are nice, but we aren't close or anything. Not yet anyways. It's not the same as hanging out with Albus and Reggie or James and Roxanne. I've been bullied too, by everyone in my house really. Especially Bree Parkinson and her crew. Scorpius Malfoy is the worst of them all though."
"Why? Is he calling your mom a Mudblood again? If he is I can say something."
"No, he's not doing anything bad. He's not doing anything at all. That's the problem. I know my dad would rather me hate Scorpius anyway, but my mom said I should give him a chance first. All he does is stand there and watch Bree and her crew bully me, that's why he's the worst."
"I'm sorry the first couple months haven't been ideal for you, Rose, but I promise it will get better. You just need to find your crowd of people. Remember, if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm always here."
"I know, thanks. I'll see you around. Bye." She ran off and I sat back in my chair. I've kept an eye on all of the Weasley/Potter children to come through the school so far, and none of them have had issues with making friends. Victoire was a hit the moment she walked in the room, Molly was one of the smartest Ravenclaws in her year so she was good, Fred made friends with the Gryffindors, Louis and Lucy are very proper so the Ravenclaws accepted them, James and Roxanne are the troublemakers of their year so Gryffindors love them, Hufflepuffs love everyone so Dominique was fine, and Albus already had Reggie and most of his cousins in Gryffindor, not to mention he's super nice and approachable, so he's made some friends too. Rose is in Slytherin though, so she is going to have a tough time making friends. Not to mention she never seemed interested in friends outside of her close circle of family and family friends anyway. I promised the Weasley's, the Potter's, and Luna that I would keep an eye on their children while they're at Hogwarts. So far I have done a good job, but I'll have to keep an extra good eye on Rose. I don't want her getting hurt, especially on my watch.
Roxanne's POV
"Hey Roxanne!!" Dominique yelled as her and Calliope made their way over to me.
"Hi Dominique, Callie. How can I help you?" I asked.
"Is it true? Is the Triwizard Tournament really happening this year?"
"Yup, Fred said so himself. Apparently Neville, your dad Callie, told his Gryffindor and Ravenclaw 7th Year class this morning."
"Oh dear, Dad always hated the Triwizard Tournament. He says it's barbaric and dangerous. I bet he's angry." Calliope said.
"I'm sure he's fine, it's not like you or Mary Alice or Reggie can try anyway, there's an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire for a reason, right Roxanne?" Dominique asked. Calliope looked at me worriedly.
"Yes, of course. It keeps out anyone under the age of 17. Always has, always will." I replied, giving Calliope a weird look.
"I wonder who will be our champion. Could you imagine if it's someone we know? Hogwarts Champion: Molly Weasley."
"What makes you so sure it would be Molly? I know for a fact that Fred is putting his name into the Goblet of Fire, he could be the champion."
"Oh please, the Goblet of Fire chooses the best candidate from each school. Out of the three 7th Years we know, the only good candidate is Molly. Victoire is my sister so I can say on good authority that she's a daft blonde bimbo who could never survive the Triwizard Tournament. Fred, well, he's a rule follower. He may be a Gryffindor, but there's not a rebellious bone in his body. No way would he know how to act quickly under pressure considering he's never had to. Molly, on the other hand, is a Ravenclaw. That means she's smart and clever, so she can navigate a maze or figure out a riddle. Molly also grew up with Gryffindor relatives, so she knows the importance of bravery and courage. When it comes to the Triwizard Tournament, Molly is a full package. Face it, not every Hogwarts Champion is going to be a Gryffindor."
"I never said that, I just think Fred would kick Molly's ass in his sleep, that's all."
"You think?"
"I know."
"Well then, I guess you won't mind putting your money where your mouth is?"
"Are you trying to challenge me, Hufflepuff? Me? Roxanne B. Weasley?"
"I believe I am."
"Fine, I bet £20 that Fred is chosen, you for Molly. Whoever wins gets the cash."
"Deal." We shook hands and Dominique began to walk away.
"Aren't you coming, Callie?" She asked.
"I'll be there in a second." Calliope said.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"Make sure he doesn't do it."
"Make sure he doesn't do what? Who's he?"
"James, he is James. Knowing James, he'll try and smuggle his name into the Goblet of Fire with an older student or something. I need you to make sure that doesn't happen."
"Why? Callie, why do you care?"
"Because he's James and the shenanigans are cute in a kid, but one of these days he's going to get hurt or get in over his head and then it'll be too late. I know you also have no regard for rules, but at least you're careful. You think things through. Just... don't let him do it, okay?"
"Okay, I won't." She walked away and I turned around, seeing James at the end of the hall. I jogged over to him and put an arm around his shoulders.
"Hey James, you'll never guess what just happened." I stated. He looked at me.
"What?" He asked, curiosity filling his face.
"Callie, she wanted me to make sure that you didn't find a way to put your name in the Goblet of Fire." He stopped walking and shrugged off my arm, glaring at me.
"What? I thought that was good. She's not upset anymore." I added, stopping to study his face.
"I broke up with her, she can't just say stuff like that anymore." He muttered.
"Why did you break up? You were fine at the End of Year Banquet and then all of the sudden on the train ride home you two are on separate ends of the train."
"It doesn't matter why, what matters is that we are broken up. She needs to stop mothering me." He began to briskly walk away and I had to jog to keep up with him.
"So are we doing it then? Getting our names into the Goblet of Fire?"
"No, McGonagall is not an idiot, she'll catch us, she always does."
"This year is going to be so boring. Can't do the Triwizard Tournament, no Quidditch, what's next? Hogsmeade trips cancelled for the year too?"
"Shut up, it'll be fine." My eyebrow crept to nearly the top of my forehead.
"Did you just tell me to shut up? What is with you? Did something happen in the 3 minutes that I didn't see you between the end of Charms and now?"
"No, I'm fine." I sighed and nudged him gently as we began to walk again.
"I'm your favorite cousin and probably your best friend. We pull pranks together, we lie for each other, we tell each other things that no one else knows. What's going on, James?" He looked at me and began to spill. I stood there, grounded to my spot, unable to comprehend what James Sirius Potter, troublemaker and the guy everyone wants to either date or be and who doesn't need anyone or feel the need for approval outside of his immediate family, was saying to me.
"If you don't mind, I'm just gonna go to bed. I'm not hungry." He retreated off to Gryffindor Tower, shoulders slumped, not even caring about food or anything else. I stood there, mouth open, until Gertrude Bassinger, a Slytherin Prefect in 6th year, threatened to make my house pay if I continued to loiter.
Molly's POV
I continued to eat dinner at the Ravenclaw table as Headmistress McGonagall finally started talking about the Triwizard Tournament. As she explained the rules and meaning of it all, of course every Ravenclaw knew already, Louis and Lucy walked over to me.
"We've done the calculations in our head on who would be the best Hogwarts Champion. You are the best choice. You're strategic, brave, intelligent, and courageous. We're not just saying this because you're our cousin and sister, it's pure fact." Lucy explained.
"Thanks, but let's just wait for me to decide whether my name is going in or not." I replied.
"Why wouldn't you put your name in?" Louis asked.
"It doesn't seem logical to me to waste my last year at Hogwarts worrying about a silly tournament when I have N.E.W.T.s and I need to figure out my plan for the future at one point before graduation. So I'm still pondering the idea of putting my name in the Goblet of Fire."
"You're barking mad, you are. Passing up an opportunity like the Triwizard Tournament to focus on tests. I may be a Ravenclaw, but I know if I had the chance to compete in the Triwizard Tournament I would definitely put my name in the Goblet of Fire." Lucy remarked.
"That's great for you, but that's where you and I differ. I find my future more important than some silly tournament. I have to go, I'm meeting some friends in the library to study." I left them to ponder what I had just admitted and went to the library. Truth be told, I'm not that concerned about having too much stuff on my plate at all. It's what's happening with Teddy and Uncle George and Aunt Angelina that's the issue. In order to help with whatever that turns out to be, I need to be alive. Not to mention, my family has already suffered so much tragedy. Me dying at the hands of the Triwizard Tournament would be like a slap in the face to them. So no, I don't think I'll put my name in the Goblet of Fire.

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