"Your hallucinating. Again."

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I ran through the school court yard, "Your gonna be so mad when I prove you wrong on the theory that I'm just crazy...or high!" I stop running "Liz?!" I look around and hear huffing "This girl ain't up for running today, or ever really". We walk to my house which is only a few blocks away from our school, I open the gate to our back yard and point to the hot tube "I'm gonna go look and see if its still there" slowly walking over to the steaming water I look in, "Liz! Get over here, hurry!" she gives me a death look "If I walk over and there isn't anything in that hot tube, I will slap you Elijah." I roll my eyes, and point to where I thought is was "Its right..." I look around the hot tube " I swear it was right there, you have too believe me!! It was right there in the corner, I swear!" I hear buzzing and look up to Lizzy, "Crap, I forgot my sister had a basketball game after school. I'll talk to you tomorrow, please take your meds and lay down" She looks over to me "your hallucinating. Again" She'll never believe me "No, I'm not!" Liz grins at me, I've had a crush on her for a while now. Dating your bestfriend normally never goes well so I have never told her and I never plan too, cause our friendship is something I never want to lose.

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