•|Chapter 3|•

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Restless nights.

'What am I going to do?'
Yoongi thought to himself, softly biting his lip anxiously.

A week has past since he got the phone call, and he's still in bed over thinking things through.
Most of the nights crying himself to sleep, seeing he could do nothing about it.

No matter how much he built up the walls to become stronger, in the end he's still the soft hearted person he is.

He murmured quietly to himself, feeling tears gather as his stress levels have gone up.
His heart ache badly to the point where his breathes have become shallow.

More tears blurring his vision as he glanced towards his night table, the time reading 4:54 am.

"I'm a fucking crybaby.."
He sobbed softly, heart clenching tightly at the thoughts of possibly losing his father.

If he doesn't do what-


His phone blared loudly in the cold and lonely apartment, startling the poor distressed boy.
His hands scrambled to grab his phone that had fallen down the floor, while he was busy throwing a fit the night before.
With a few sniffles and a ton of snot wiped away he answered.

He spoke with a scratchy voice, cursing himself because of all the crying he did.

"Yoongi.. Honey?"
His mother spoke with a concerned voice.
Surprising Yoongi at how soft and frail she sounded.

"What you want."
He snarled slightly, not trusting this new side of his wicked mom.

"Just wanted to know if your coming or not."
She whispered calmly.

Yoongi's eyebrows shot up in suspicion.

He mumbles mostly to himself but she heard it.

"God Dammit! Your just too selfish to come see your own father?!"
She finally broke out of character, startling Yoongi at how fast she could switch up.

Yoongi teared the phone away from his ear, because the bitch was just too loud and angry.

Though, nothing new he guesses.

He thinks to himself, feeling another wave of stress coming to him.
He knew what they wanted but fuck.

Where the hell is he supposed to get $557, 000?

He didn't have a fucking job nor is a bank, fuck his life honestly.

'Always the same shit.'
He blamelessly thinks to himself.

With that he just hangs up, and powers off his phone.
Getting comfortable on the mess of blankets and pillows.

Feeling his life shortening at this point, when will he be happy again?

'Nah that's seems to unreal.'
He wonders as days of not sleeping properly hits him.

Wiping away anymore tears that might have fallen.

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