Anna's Encounter

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My most favorite season of the year. It’s when sweaters become socially acceptable to wear and hot chocolate is viewed as the drink of the season. It’s the season that gives me an excuse to use my fireplace and to stay inside and read, being covered in blankets as I do. But most importantly it’s the season that I met my fiancé Phil Lester and it’s also the season that I lost him and not necessarily for the better.

My story starts on a wintery afternoon in London. I was finishing up my application for the local bookstore downtown by having my friend Mia read it over for me…..


My name is Anna. Anna Burke if you want to get technical with it. And I suppose you want to know more about me, hence why you’ve kept on reading up until this point.

Well… I’m 22 years old. I have long curly blonde hair and blue eyes. I stand at about 5ft 7inches.

I love to spend my days reading and writing stories. Getting lost in the chapters of a good book has always been something that I have loved to do ever since I was a little girl. I was born into a wealthy family so I never ran out of books to read. My parents were always getting me new material for my birthday and Christmas’s. I was spoiled rotten. And I suppose it helped being the youngest of three children I was rarely ever looked down upon for anything. Not that I ever did anything worthy of being looked down upon, of course.

After finishing four successful years at University I now live in London in an apartment that I share with my best friend, Mia. During my time at University I studied creative writing and have successfully had a few of my very own creations published. I mainly stick to children’s stories but I am in the process of writing a few chapter books as well.

I think I would be a great addition to the Book Stop because of my knowledge and love for books.

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Anna Burke

So… what do you think? I glanced over nervously from my position on the couch to see my friend Mia’s expression.

“It’s…. different.”

“Oh. Good different? Or bad different?”

“Good different. A bit informal in some places but overall I think it works. Your personality defiantly shines through in your letter, which is good.” Mia then smiles up at me.

“Perfect! I guess I’ll go and send it off now. No point in waiting, especially this time of year when people are going to be hiring for extra help like crazy.” I close the lid of my laptop and gently place it down next to where I was sitting on the couch. Then I get and walk over to Mia, who is sitting at the breakfast table finishing off her breakfast… or more like brunch, considering it’s about 12 in the afternoon.

I grab my letter from the table and slide it into the envelope with my resume, then place on my coat and boots and I’m out the door.

And as soon as I’m outside I’m regretting my decision to have left my apartment. The air is a bitter cold and even though I’m in my fluffy North Face winter jacket I can’t help but feel anything but warm.

But I don’t let that stop me!

I hustle down the streets and I don’t stop until I finally arrive at the post office. I smile as I hear the festive music that’s being played just a few shops down in the little village. I love this season so much.

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