Chapter 2 One of Them

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Chapter 2

One of Them

This had to be the most uncomfortable car ride I have ever had with my mother and that includes the time I got sent home early from school for starting fights. The whole time she did not utter a single word. I dared not say anything either.

When we arrived home Mum locked the door and pulled down all the curtains so we had no view of the outside. She then looked straight at me and said, “Melanie, I want you to tell me exactly what happened with that boy and the snake.”

I did not know what to say. There’s no way I can tell her the truth. She would never believe that the snake actually spoke to me.

“It was just a joke,” I finally responded. “Scott was trying to intimidate me so I thought I’d try to give him a little scare. That’s all.”

She gripped my shoulder and continued to look at me, sharply. “You didn’t really talk to the snake?”

Am I imagining this or does my mother actually look afraid, of me? I wondered, starting to feel uncomfortable.

“I know snakes can’t really talk, Mum,” I finally answered after the moments passed. “You’ve been telling me all my life that anything supernatural is impossible.”

She smiled, relieved, and then said firmly, “Melanie, you’re suppose to be grounded, remember? I’m tired of you getting into trouble with boys and sneaking out constantly. Now, go up to your room until your father gets home from work.”

“Fine,” I huffed as I turned around to walk upstairs.

Its’ not fair. Dudley gets into just as much trouble as I do, if not more, yet Mrs. Dursley still treats him like an angel and says that its not his fault. Why can’t my mother be that understanding?

An hour later I heard the back door open and my father yell out, “Liv, Melanie, I’m home.”

I opened my door a crack to return the greeting but then decided to listen in on my parent’s conversation instead.

“Livia, what’s wrong?” Dad asked.

“Oh, Theodin,” Mum sighed. “Something happened with Melanie at the park today.”

“Isn’t she grounded?” he asked.

I imagined rolling her eyes at this next statement. “She snuck out again, but that’s not the problem.”

She then proceeded to tell Dad about the whole incident with the snake. I could not believe my ears. She actually seemed to believe that I really had a conversation with the snake.

After a long moment of silence Dad finally spoke, “Could this mean that Melanie is, well, like your sister?”

“I afraid so,” Mum answered. “Oh, Theodin, I fear our daughter may just be,” she paused and then finished with, “one of them.”

What does she mean by one of them? I recalled what my father said before that, like your sister.

I knew exactly whom he meant, my Aunt Becky. I never actually met her, but every year for my birthday and Christmas she would send me these mysterious presents. My favorite is the snow globe with the castle. Inside it, contained a little witch that would fly around the castle. I never understood how she flew, exactly. There are no strings attached to her and the globe a no battery to operate it. The only possible explanation seemed to be magic.

All my life I had never been allowed to meet Aunt Becky nor did I have a way to contact her. My mother never wanted to talk about her either. She would always immediately change the subject every time I brought up my mysterious aunt.

Then it hit me. If what my parents said is true and I am indeed like my Aunt Becky then maybe she could explain all the weird things that have happened to me lately.All I need is a way to contact her. I decided the best way to do that would be to write her a letter since I have her address from the last package she sent me.

I quietly shut my bedroom door, walked over to my desk, grabbed a pen and paper, and began to write:

Dear Aunt Becky,

I know we have never met, but I don’t know whom else to turn to now. There have been a lot of strange, unexplainable things happening to me recently and I have a feeling you are the only one who can answer my questions. I can’t really explain the rest in a letter. Is there any way we can meet in person?


I went to grab an envelope when an owl flew in through my window and snatched the letter. Before I had a chance to react, it was gone.

Great, now what? I decided best to just go ahead and write another letter but as I began I heard my mother’s voice call, “Melanie, dinner’s ready.”

I sighed and walked downstairs to eat. At the dinner table, the three of us sat in complete silence. This feels exactly like the car ride earlier today. I guess I should just be thankful that I don’t have to listen to another lecture about sneaking out of the house.

Once the uncomfortable mealtime finally ended, I ran up back to my room to finish writing my second letter. I then found that the owl had returned my original letter. Curiously, I picked it up to find writing on the back. It stated:


Meet me tomorrow at noon at the Café Diner.

Aunt Becky

A/N: I'm going to keep adding cast as I go along. I'm only going to add cast members for my characters though. It doesn't really seem necessary to include the whole HP cast from the movies. You already know them all and what they look like.

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