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Her footsteps echoed as she walked down the alley, her deep plum dress flowing around her, auburn hair in a tight bun, and a small dark purple and black hat sitting on the top of her head. She seemed out of place, her clothes were 18th century, but the alleyway she walked was in the 21st. Nevertheless the man licked his lips slowly at the sound of her footfalls. His ears had long grown accustomed to differentiating the sound of a man's steps between the sound of a women's.

He grinned as she got closer. He was hidden around the corner, ready to appear in front of her once she was near enough. He briefly allowed himself to enjoy the thought of what he would do to her. Slow, or quickly? Slow, he thought to himself, with no one around at night, there would not be a single ear besides his own to hear her if she were to cry out. He grew excited, just two more steps and she would be his.

She stopped suddenly, just out of reach, without the sound of her boots the air was still and he could just make out the sound of her breathing. He heard a small metallic sound like a shink. But it was so small he was almost convinced he was imagining things.

He stood there as a minute passed, then two, then three. Finally, she stepped forward, and swung around with a swiftness that should not have been possible, landing right in front of him. He saw her own grin, one that stretched across her whole face. There was a glint in her eye that frightened him and he was momentarily frozen. She took the opportunity, using her left hand she pinned him against the wall with an inhuman strength, with her right hand she drew up a wicked looking knife and plunged it into his chest, exactly in the middle of his heart.

He gasped, but the light was already leaving his eyes. She twisted the blade and pushed it even deeper. The light was gone, she pulled the knife out and let his body sink to the ground.

Still smiling broadly she flicked the knife to the side and all the blood at once came off. She sheathed it in the folds of her dress. Without another look at the body she walked back down the alley she had come, the sound of her boots once again filling the night air. Slowly, she started to disappear, parts of her breaking apart and fading away, until she was gone.

Except for the body and blood she left behind, it was almost as if she was never there at all.

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