Chapter 7: Night Out

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"The best nights are usually unplanned, random and spontaneous"

I woke up feeling chipper, once I got ready I set out to the cafeteria to find Tina. Hans wasn't here when I woke, I bet he was with Grace. I got over to the cafeteria and I couldn't find Tina, maybe she was still in bed? I go get some food and meet up with the gang, minus Hans. Once I was done I said my goodbyes and wondered off to the gym, I checked to see if Tina was there with no luck.

Heister: Where the hell is she?

I walk over to her dorm and knock on the door.

Heister: Tina you in there?

. . .

*knock knock*

Heister: Tina?

I sigh and take out my phone, I start walking back to my dorm well texting Tina.

Heister: *text* Hey Tina you around?

. . .

Heister: *text* Tina you there?

I put my phone back into my pocket.

Frost: Y/n!

I turn around to see Tina standing in her doorway, I smile and walk back over to her. She closes the door behind her and steps out into the hall. As we come face to face she falls into me and groans into my chest.

Frost: Last night was great yet horrible.

Heister: Um. . . why?

Frost: Well I enjoyed our date but Em and Oliver got into a fight and he broke up with her, so I had to deal with that last night. Also Oliver is a dick.

Heister: Well that sounded shitty, what exactly happened?

Frost: It was fight over Oliver and Em sharing a room, it was a stupid fight but as I said Oliver is a dick.

Heister: *sighs* Well I have an idea, maybe me, you and a couple other people take her out to a club to cheer her up?

Frost: Your so thoughtful.

Heister: Thanks babe.

Frost: I still can't believe your a bank robber.

I chuckle a bit, I was silenced as Tina gives me a kiss. Her cheeks turned slightly red and she looked away, I put my one hand up to her cheek and she starts smiling. 

Frost: *laughs* Alright Mr. Romantic let's go talk to some people and see who we can get.

Heister: Alright let's go.

Time Skip: The Next Night, brought to you by the designated driver

Me and Tina had gotten Em, Seb, Monika, Ela and Megan to go out with us to cheer up Em. I offered to not drink to drive us back, which I knew the gang was gonna make fun of me for it but what ever. We had everyone gathered in the parking lot, me and Tina were in the SUV. I pulled up and Tina hoped in the back with Em, I started to drive into town. It took awhile to get there but everyone started talking and joking which passed the time, Em was still looking really down and Tina tried to cheer her up. We got to the bar and Seb bought the first round, me and Seb kinda hung back and let the girls do their thing. After about the Em's third drink she started laughing and talking, her mode started to change and this put a smile on everyone's face.

Frost: So Em what do you think?

Twitch: Of what?

Frost: Of the cute guy that keeps staring at you?

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