The Legacy of Broad

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In the hours of the night, a small cozy horse barn on a farm in the peaceful countryside of Virginia was about to collapse and severely injure every horse that resides inside. It was not the fault of a simple structural error, nor a termite infestation nor even old age. No, you see, it was the fault of a nightmare. Broad the 4000-pound racehorse was having one of the worst nightmares he had ever experienced. He began to kick the back wall of his stall in the barn in his restless sleep causing the whole barn to shake. Panic spread across the horses like wildfire as the cracking noise of unstable barn caused them to awaken. The danger of the situation was becoming more apparent. When suddenly, a massive CRASH sent the barn crashing down on the horses and a frighted broad awakened. Broad looked around and took in what had just happened. Several of his fellow horses lie on the ground injured.

"How did this happen?", the shocked chunky horse cried.

Thunderbolt, the fastest racehorse cried out in anger "It was you, you did this you thick freak! " he was laying under a piece of wood from the roof of the barn.

The porch light of the house in the distance flipped on and out came the caretaker, or known by the horses as, 'The Racer". The light of the lantern grew nearer and nearer and broad began to get more worried than he already was. Whenever things went wrong, the racer always blamed it on him. Everyone did because he was the slowest and fattest racehorse around. Broad's assumption was correct because as soon as the racer got there, he began to scream at broad.

"You stupid fat beast! Look what you've done!" he ran straight toward thunderbolt babying him and making sure he and the other horses were okay. When he was sure that his prise horses were okay, he ran back to broad.

"I'll deal with you tomorrow." he furiously stomped away. The other horses began to bully poor Broad. They called him every insult in the book. Broad tried to run away to the other side of the place they were fenced in, but the other horses quickly caught up to him because he was extremely thick and weighed 2-tons, was extremely slow, only reaching 5 miles per hour. Broad was sadly bullied for the rest of the night

The next day came and broad was scared. The racer had never been this mad at him. The only time he came close to this is when he tripped over a rock and fell on thunderbolt causing somewhat bad damage to him. The racer came out of his house and headed over to Broad, rifle in hand. Broad started panicking. He's never been shot with a gun that size before!

"Alrighty boy, I've had enough of you. You've caused me and the rest of my horses trouble. I've decided to put you down." The racer loaded the rifle. "Say goodbye." Broad let out a cry for help when the bullets began to fly. But the bullets didn't do anything. Broad was too fat for the bullets. "What in heaven's name?! The racer exclaimed, "This is my most powerful gun!" Broad let out a sigh of relief. The racer soon gave up and broad decided something. That was it. Broad had enough of the harassment from his horse family at the now destroyed barn. He decided to run away at the dark hours of the night to stay undetected. He was gonna find his purpose in life. The thing he was meant to be. The thing that people would appreciate him for. Because racing was obviously not what he was good at.

A few days later the barn had been re-built and Broad was pretending to sleep. The Stroke of midnight hit, meaning it was time for broad to sneak away. He took a step toward the door of his stall. He knew it wasn't locked because the racer didn't think he could go far anyway. Well, now he will prove him wrong. He moseyed along as fast as possible out of the stall heading for the exit of the barn. Before he bid farewell to his lifelong home, he looked back at the rest of the sleeping horses. His family. The only ones he had ever known. He shed a few bittersweet tears then setting off, onward to his soul-seeking journey.

He strode along quickly to the edge of the property line at an utterly astonishing swift speed for Broad. A whole 7 miles per hour! He felt the cool frosty wind flow through his silky brown hair. The adrenaline pumped through his veins adding more determination to escape.

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