Chapter 1

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(Luna's POV)
Today was another day as it always is working as the commander of the First order. Get up, shower, change, and grab holopad, head out of the room and make rounds checking on every section of the star destroyer and informing General Hux or as I secretly call him General ginger. I am making my way to the bridge with my report when I almost bump into the supreme leader Kylo Ren. "Sir." I say not looking at him and stand straight.

"Commander Luna you are just the person I was looking for." He says through his mask making his voice sound robotic. "What can I do for you Supreme Leader?" I ask. "Let's talk in my office." He says walking towards the way I just came from. I follow quickly knowing if I don't do as he says I'm in trouble. He's known for his temper tantrums and I don't want to be on the end of one. We arrive a few minutes later in his office. "Have a seat." He says sitting down. I do as I'm told and cross my leg over the other sitting in a lady like position due to the fact my uniform consist of a black button down shirt and a black skirt pairs with tights and black boots.

"I want to inform you that I'm pleased at the work you are doing here for the first order. I understand that you were on your way to the bridge to inform General Hux about the ship?" He states. "Yes sir." I say sitting straight with the holopad in my lap. "May I see that?" He asks pointing to the device on my lap. I hand it to him immediately. "Sir if I may ask, why did you want to see me?" I say choosing how to speak and what to say.

"I wanted to see you because I feel like you can handle a new title. General Hux is planing on overthrowing me, but he knows that he will need help. I want you to take his place when I fire him. He will step down and take your place." He says simply. "Oh." Was all I could say. "I understand you have an older sister who works here as well." He says. "Yes sir." I say nodding. "She works in the bridge. Correct." He says not looking up from the holopad.

"That is correct sir. Why are you asking about myself and my sister?" I ask confused. Kylo takes a moment and sets the pad down and looks at me and slowly takes off his mask revealing his face.

"Luna I like you. I've gave for the longest time. I also know that you and your sister are both dating Hux and he's abusive to you two. I can tell cause you are scared if someone goes to touch your shoulder or say hi to you. As well as the brushes I can clearly see on your arms, legs and neck. You probably have a lot more over your body that are hidden. From the looks of it it looks like he's more harsher towards you then your sister. She barely has any marks on her along with her not having fear." He states. "How did you know we were dating General Gin... Hux Sir?" I question not focusing on him.

"Easy he wouldn't shut up about you and all the things he does to you. Why didn't you come and tell me? I could've stopped him." He says standing up and walking toward me. His towering 6'3 figure overshadowed my 5'1 figure as he made his way towards my chair.

I start to mentally freak as he comes closer and stands in front of me towering me causing me to inch away from him in fear. "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know why you or your sister didn't tell me about him." He says his voice soft as he gets down to my height seeing that his height scares me.

"I wanted to tell you but your not the easiest person to talk to and also Hux threatened us that if spoken to anyone let alone you he would kill us the way he did our parents." I say looking down at my hands that were all of a sudden shaking in fear as anxiety and sadness started to build inside me.

Kylo sighs and gently puts a gloved finger under my chin ever so slightly and tilts my face up to his. "I know I'm not easy to talk to but I do care about you two. Please don't be afraid of me. You two are the best people on this whole damn star destroyer. I won't hurt you two ever." He says gently looking at me.

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