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IDK how to start and,
Cyan-_- tagged me

IDK I suck at this;

IDK I suck at this;

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1. Full name: Arjun

2. Zodiac sign: Capricorn.

3. Best friend: None but I have friends.

4. How do u feel rn: Irritated.

5. Current relationship status: Single until a person accepts me.

6. Favourite movie: Evil Dead,  Conjuring 1 and IT

7. How tall r u:  5'9

8. Favorite songs: We don't talk anymore, Look what u made me do, Perfect, God is a woman, Thank u, next, 7 rings, Bad blood, Solo, Believer Attention, Sorry, Let me love u, and Thunder (Yea, I like old songs)

9. 3 things u love: My phone, My laptop, and My TV

10. 3 things that upset u: people, people and people.

11. 3 things that make u happy: The 3 things I love

12. Favorite food: Pop corn and ice cream.

13. Celebrity crushes: Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift.

14. How many Tattoos/Preicings: None

15. Turns on: IDK

16. Turns off: IDK (Literally everything)

17. Scary movies or happy endings: Obviously scary movies

18. Computer or TV: computer

19. Favorite perfume: Wild stone

20. The last time u cried: I don't cry

21. Can u cook: Yes, but actually no

22. Do u speak any other language: Yes

23. Do u miss anyone rn: yea ____Taiga____

24. Favorite TV show: The Ellen Show and America's Got Talent

25. Any questions u'd like: I don't have  any.


Peace out! ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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