I don't know who you are

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Derek shoved through the hospital room doors, his nose already flaring in search of Stiles' scent.

"Derek, whoa, hey, calm down," Mellissa, spotting the anxious alpha, intercepted him on his way towards Stiles' room.

"Is he okay? What happened?" He demanded worriedly.

All Derek had gotten was a call from the sheriff saying Stiles had been found by some hikers in the woods, unconscious.

"We don't know, he hasn't woken up yet. Deaton's on his way to make sure everything is..." Mellissa trailed off knowing Derek understood.

"But he's okay otherwise?"

"He seems fine," Mellissa nodded."

"I don't even know what he was doing out there," Derek frowned, glancing past the brunette in front of him.

"I was off with another...it was a meeting I couldn't miss, and I didn't want Stiles there," Derek's shoulders slumped.

"Hey, don't blame yourself for this. I called Scott and he's getting in contact with the others. I'm sure he's fine. Just be calm," Mellissa finally stepped aside, allowing Derek access to Stiles' room.

Derek hesitated now though. Knowing that Stiles was okay, he was afraid to see him in a hospital bed.

"Where's the Sheriff?" Derek turned to Mellissa.

"He had to sign off on the report, he'll be back shortly. He stayed until we assured him Stiles was fine."

Derek nodded. He'd been almost an hour away when he got the message.

Derek swallowed hard as he pushed the door of the hospital room open.

Stiles was lying in the bed asleep. He looked peaceful. It made Derek sigh in relief. He'd been afraid there would be cuts and bruising and blood but there were no signs of it.

Derek took Stiles' hand in his and his eyes instantly fell to the silver band that sat unscathed on his left ring finger.

Derek's thumb fingered at the matching metal on his own left hand.

"I'm sorry, Stiles. I should have taken you with me," Derek whispered though he doubted Stiles could hear him.

That morning before Derek left the pair had argued over if Stiles should go to meet this other alpha. Derek, being the over protective alpha and husband that he was, wanted Stiles to stay behind.

"You're not supernatural. I don't want him to sense that and think he can use that to his advantage."

"Oh don't play the human card on me," Stiles crossed his arms.

"I'm not, I'm just saying that it's dangerous and there's no need for you to go."

Stiles threw up his hands in exasperation, "It's dangerous and I'm supposed to be okay with you going alone?"

"If I bring Scott or Boyd it's going to make him feel threatened, this is me being smart. I promise I'll be fine," Derek pressed a kiss to Stiles' forehead earning an eyeroll in response.

"You know sometimes I wish you weren't a werewolf. I wish there weren't such things as supernatural beings. I wish you were just...you," Stiles sighed.

Derek frowned slightly but before he could respond Stiles was back to rambling on about calling when he got there and calling when he was leaving.

"I'm suing for pain and suffering," Stiles called over his shoulder as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Okay you've been watching way too much law and order," Derek laughed.

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