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His head pounded and he felt like vomiting due to dizziness. Despite his dizziness, he managed to sit up, but with no memory of his past life apart from his name. He looked down at himself, noticing the white long-sleeved shirt he was wearing. He was going to check what he was wearing pants-wise since he somehow knew that those were not the clothes he had on last, but quickly stopped when he heard the door open. Since he looked over at the door so quickly, some of his shaggy brown hair fell over his eyes, obscuring his vision until he pushed it back out of the way.

A man walked through the door, no taller than an average male, and saw that the young teen was awake. He was a somewhat intimidating, muscular, and grey bearded human. Grey hair mostly covered his head, but the light shone off the parts that weren't covered by the thinning hair. And, despite appearing intimidating, his deep chocolate brown eyes looked almost gentle in their own way. Those same eyes looked the boy over as he sat down in the metal chair to the left of his hospital bed.

"I didn't think you would survive, young one," The older male said, his voice deep but easy to listen to, "You have been out cold for weeks."

"Survive what? I-I don't remember anything," the younger said, stuttering as he panicked slightly.

"What is your name, my new padawan?" The older man asked calmly as he tried to help the younger calm down. He didn't want to answer his question straight away.

"Ben," said the younger, "Ben Ardel." That was the only thing he was confident in, so he just hoped that he was correct. Since the other showed a small hint of a smile, Ben assumed that he was correct.

"Well, you do remember something at least..." The older man said and proceeded to ask, "Do you remember anything else?" He looked at Ben for any answers that could help him understand how to help the young boy who laid in front of him.

"Well... I have this weird feeling that I know where I am, but it's like I don't at the same time." Ben said, still trying to figure things out. It was hard for him to piece together since he didn't know what he could or couldn't put together.

"You are in the medical wing in the Jedi temple on Tatooine. Whatever happened on your mission with your former master, it sure didn't end well." The older man replied. "You will hopefully remember things as you relearn the ways of the Jedi."

"What's your name, sir?" Ben asked, curious to who the male beside him was.

"Dan Darmu," he replied, "but you can just call me Dan. That will be appropriate for the time being." Dan showed a small smile as he reached over to ruffle Ben's unkempt brown hair.

Dan eventually stood up and began to head for the door, but stopped just before he reached the door. He turned back and looked at Ben, grabbing his attention before he spoke to him. "Get some rest. Your training begins tomorrow, and you are going to need the rest." After that, the older male turned back around and walked out of the room, the door closing behind him. 

Star Wars: A New Era.Part 1: Memory GamesWhere stories live. Discover now