Yall wont believe..

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A/N: *inhales violently* I am sorry but this is not an update. I just read the most funniest shit a few minutes ago. It was labeled, Kiribaku will NEVER be canon. Now I fr just laughed at the title for a solid 5-10 minutes. 

After those 5-10 minutes I go ahead and read it. First who ever made this shitty WHATEVER THE HELL IT WAS, was throwing some serious shade. They had stated that Bakugou isn't looking for a relationship at the moment with anyone.

Ok? Isnt everyone but Ochako? And even she is trying to push her feelings for Deku aside. Plus Its called a ship for a reason. You aint gotta throw all that shade for no reason.

They also said, Kirishima nor Bakugou has shown any signs or loving each other.


I read further and It says they are a Bakudeku shipper....


You're telling me that telling someone to kill themself, almost killing them, always wanting to fight, Is showing love? You're telling me you ship Bakudeku bc they show signs of love? What?!

Later on in their hateful paragraph, they put in all caps "STOP FORCING GOOD FRIENDS TO BE TOGETHER" 


Kiribaku shippers: Forcing good friends to be together

Bakudeku shippers: Forcing enemies to be together

Lmao.What The fuck.

The next paragraph was this,

"Us BakuDeku shippers don't shove our fucking ship down your fucking throats. At least we RESPECT YOUR OPINIONS EVEN WHEN WE DON'T LIKE IT, WE DON'T SHOVE OUR OPINIONS DOWN YOUR FUCKING THROATS"

You literally made a whole page about how KiriBaku will never be canon. How bro? HOW? 

Oh, I respect your opinion, Three minutes later goes and insults Kiribaku shippers.

then this,




Dominate ones? What the hell- Im so done.

I get some people don't like this ship but- whoever made this went a little far. 

Now the comments, oh the comments, The krbk shippers went off.

"damn nigga why you so salty lol? it's just a ship it aint even that deep...........anyway i guess i'll go over your points since you took the time to write this

we know. obviously he's not looking for a relationship, his goal to become number one. but then again he wasn't looking to make any sort of friendships like the one he has with kirishima either. but it happened. no one's saying they're gonna become canon now, it just has a chance at being endgame. you know, when bakugou's older and more mature? and the fact that bakugou is one of the main characters and has no female love interest is kinda weird. like i know he wouldn't be into anyone right now but for other characters, they obviously show who's gonna end up together (ie Todoroki w Momo, Kaminari w Jirou depsite the fact that neither have a romantic subtext in canon. You can prolly argue that there's no real "proof" it's gonna become canon but idc i don't even ship either soo) bakugou is almost as important as deku, you'd really think SOMEONE would be interested in him, and i doubt horikoshi would just leave him without an interest. but imma keep goingyeah u right that scene by itself aint gay so im not gonna say it isYeah they haven't. so has many of the supposed "canon" het ships. But they are extremely close, not only in the manga but any semi-canon material that the author looks over goes out of their way to emphasize this. Why bakugou and kirishima always paired up in the game cards, along with the straight ships like izuocha/todomomo/kamijirou? Why do the light novels always have a chapter that shows how damn close they are? Why is BNHA SMASH like That with kirishima and bakugous relationship? Aint tryina spoil shit, but why does the movie REALLY have all that extra kiribaku shit?! more than any other ship.......smhlast time i checked no one has a gun to horikoshi's head telling him to make krbk canon -_- people see a healthy relationship between two best friends, they see canon potiental, they're gonna ship it. SAD!

5/6) Y'ALL REALLY DO THO ITS FUNNY LIKE I CANT GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT SEEING BAKUDEKU! I COULD HONESTLY JUST SAY "BAKUDEKU SUCKS" AND I GET A DOZEN PPL RIDING MY DICK ALREADY FOR HATING ON THE SHIP! AND I HAVE, BACK IN THE DAY WHEN I THOUGHT I COULD JUST SAY SMTH ABT A SHIP I DONT LIKE AND DIDNT REALIZE HOW BAD BAKUDEKU SHIPPERS JUST ARE. I COULD SAY BAKUDEKUS ARE SMELLY AND ID GET SOMEONE CALLING ME "SHIPPERPHOBIC" YALL CANT HANDLE A JOKE AND ITS FUNNEY. HALF OF BKDKS DONT KNOW WHAT RESPECT IS LMAO. but for real tho ur just gonna have to deal with it. every fandom has it bad apples you can't avoid it and honestly you just sound like a baby, fans thinking their ship has a chance is not gonna kill you personally. like i'll admit some kiribaku shippers be annoying but EVERY ship has shippers like that -_- just get over it and go back to shipping your fugly ship lol

listen. i could write a whole essay on how kiribaku is the only gay ship with any chance to become canon but it prolly aint gonna change ur mind and also i dont care. and horikoshi's probably not homophobic. at least, not in the sense where'd he'd be against having gay characters. he has two trans characters and a bi one, the chances are good. (tho he'd probably mess up the rep bc all his lgbt characters have been offensive thus far). Not to mention Kirishima Litcherally Gay Coded -_- (I can go deeper into this if you genuinely want) just sit yo ass down and watch the funneh hero anime -_____-"

That was only one of the comments. And that was the shortest.

The author also said that, Horikoshi was probably homophobic and then just went on and on about how Kiribaku wouldnt be canon because of that.


Isnt Izuku a boy? And the last time I checked Bakugou had a dick soooooooooooooooooooooooo

Wouldn't Bakudeku go right down the rabbit hole with kiribaku?

Im confused? Is this points about Kiribaku not being canon, or more reasons to not ship Bakudeku?

Now now, In the scene where Bakugou thanked Kirishima for saving him in the movie, Did anyone else notice the blush on Kirishima?

UnU smh.

Im not trying to throw any shade on Bakudeku, but its kinda hard not to when the author insulted Kiribaku shippers and made points about it being gay and then saying they ship Bakudeku.

Anyways thats all.

Im going to go make some tea and watch some Kiribaku moments to relive my stress.

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