Day It Has Been

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Sirens were what I could hear, there was no time left for me to stay here. The only way to get out was to run. I grab my bag making sure its secure and go outside to start running. I look around to see where to go and saw a pipe that I could climb. Climbing up the pipe I hear people running to were I was, I have to climb faster. I finally make it to the top of the pipe and look down to see two guys climbing after me. I grab ahold of the roof edge and push myself up so I can put my leg on the top. After being able to get on top the building I stretch a little to make sure I have more flexibility in my body.

"Now I can have fun" I say under my breath. The two guys finally got up on the roof after a few minutes and I thank myself for remembering to put on a face mask today. "We got you, there's nowhere else to go" one of them say. It might seem like that to a regular person but boy was he wrong. "How about we play a game of tag" I say walking closer to them with my hands up. Once I'm close enough I touch the man's shoulder I touch it yelling out tag and running the opposite way.

A but childish yeah but I get bored easily and this makes it more fun. I see that I'm almost at the end of the building and the only to not fall is to jump. After jumping I see the two chasing me keeping up and jump too. "I see you guys have stepped up your game from the last time we saw each other" I say to them with an amused smile on my face. Yes this is not my first time meeting the two. The taller one was named Jajah but I call him John. He was a younger black male compared to his fellow workers and would love to catch me one day. The other person was Ken but I call him Kenny because he has a lisp and it reminds me of south park. They've been trying to catch me for a year now and I'm surprised they haven't given up.

"This time is the last time this little game is going on" John say to me making me frown a little. "Way to ruin the fun John" I said to him before turning around running once again. I saw a shorter building to my left and jumped on in then a truck that was about two or three inches shorter. I'm finally back on the ground and start running into the familiar alleyway to climb over the metal fence. When I got to the other side I started running again but ran into someone. I got up from the ground and being the nice person I am I help the person up too. "Hey sorry about that, I guess you could say I'm in a bit of a rush" I said to the woman. "No it's partly my fault to for looking at my phone too much" she replied looking up to me to meet my eyes. Now that I see her face she is really beautiful, her brown eyes are mesmerizing and her dimple was revealed when she gave me a reassuring smile.

"We got you now" I heard behind me making me roll my eyes and mentally scold myself for getting distracted. I was about to run but a hand grabs my bag making sure indont go anywhere. I put my hands up and they get pulled down behind my back for handcuffs. "Well it was nice to meet you" I said being little sarcastic but mostly truthfully. She gave a confused expression to me and I smiled in return.

What a day it has been

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