Hey guys just wanted to talk

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I know i havent updated, this or made a new story.....theres just been a lot going on in my life, parents (mom and step dad) fighting, sleeping issues and sick cats (thats right, i got cats now)....
Just half the time i dont know what to do and end up doing something stupid in the long run.....i do have plans to make a book, an actual, but havent to it yet, im still working out the details, but since im a fan of Undertale fan fics, and have played the game along with a bit of fallout, i decided to make a story that combines thous elements, monsters and radiation, with inspiration from the book 1984 (pretty good book if you ask me)
I will get around to working on the book when i can, but until then i hope you guys are having better luck in your live good night/morning my friends
(picture of my cats {sorry its upside down})

i do have plans to make a book, an actual, but havent to it yet, im still working out the details, but since im a fan of Undertale fan fics, and have played the game along with a bit of fallout, i decided to make a story that combines thous elemen...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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