Chapter 1

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Today is the first day I will finally get to help teach the class with my mom. I've been training since I was 12, Mom thought that it was time because our village had been attacked by Calder Agnarr and his clan.

After my father was murdered, I had nightmares every night. Where I was back under the floor, hearing Calder slice my father's head off and staying quiet even after Calder left and having my father's blood dripping off Calder's sword and through the floorboards, running down my face. I've never felt so helpless before and I never want to feel that way again. So, I begged my mom to teach me to fight and at first, she told me, no, that I needed to focus on mourning my father and healing from the pain Calder caused, but I couldn't. Calder had to pay for what he did to not only my family, but my village and I wanted to be the one to do it. Eventually she gave in and started training me and other women from the village that wanted to learn, but since it is illegal for us to do so, we had to train in secret.

"Freya. Freya, Pay attention."

"Sorry mother, what did you need me to do?"

"Before our gathering tonight, I need you to run a few errands." I nodded as she handed me the list, turning on my heels, walking out the door, heading to the village market.

I used to love going to the village market with my family, but ever since Calder took over, it's never been the same. Calder had his "army" standing guard everywhere just looming over us making sure we follow the laws. The market used to be filled with life, now you're lucky to see anyone other than the vendors. People quit letting their children run around, in fear that they may get into trouble. Eventually I made it through most of Mother's list, just needed to pick up a few more things. I turned away from the stand and slammed into something tall and hard. I knew what or rather who it was without having to look up, it was Erik Agnarr, Calder's son. Ever since Calder took control, Erik has tried everything from love letters to proposals, to make me his bride to be, but no matter how many times I say no or even try to avoid him, he keeps coming back. I have no ambition to be a part of the family who murdered my father and my people.

"Freya, how about you join me for dinner with my parents this evening?" The grin on his face makes me want to slap it off.

"I can't Erik, and even if I could, I wouldn't. So, go waste someone else's time." As I walked away, I slammed into his shoulder. Why did he decide that I was the one he wanted? I'm not royalty.

Erik's Pov. . .

I watched her walk away as if there wasn't enough space between us, this fiery anger boiled deep down inside of me. Why can't she love me the way I love her? I can still remember the day I first saw her as if it was yesterday. Freya was helping with the village children, teaching them songs while they did their chores. Her voice was like sitting on a hill in a cool summer eve, watching nature unfold in its mysteriously beautiful way. I love watching how the sun danced on her perfectly olive skin, the way her golden hair blew with the wind as if it was an extension. I could just sit and watch her all day and be content with life. Oh, how I wanted nothing more than to call her my wife, but she refused me time and time again. This time I would go straight to her mother.

As I walked towards the Fredrikson's. I spotted Ingrid over by the watering hole. She was filling clay pots with water. She slung a bag shaped object over her shoulder and bent down to pick up the clay pots. This is it, Now or never.

I strolled up to Ingrid, palms sweaty, ready to ask for her blessing. She looked up at me with a face of disgust.

"Hello Erik, what can I do for you, today?"

"I am here to ask for your blessing to wed Freya. I want to spen-"

"No! Not now, not ever. Your family has taken enough from me, you will not take my daughter from me. You will never be good enough for Freya, I would rather have her die alone, than to spend the rest of her life with a waste of a man."

The deep fiery anger began to take control. I turn on my heels and stalk away. I will not show weakness. Freya will be mine one way or another. She goes into the forest by herself every night, I'll get her then and no one will stop me.

> > >

I waited just inside the tree line, where I could easily see and follow her without being seen. After what seemed like forever, Freya snuck out the back of her house running to the tree lining. She had something hanging on her back, it was long and kind of shaped like a sword, but it couldn't be, my father had taken all of the weapons from the women. I'm just seeing things; Freya would never disobey a law.

I followed Freya through the forest, watching my feet making sure I didn't step on anything and make any type of sound, till she stepped out into an orange lit clearing. As I observed the clearing, I saw a large group of women, ranging from Freya's age, 17, to Ingrid's age, 45. They were holding swords. How is this possible? I need to save Freya from her mother. She would have never picked up a sword if her mother hadn't made her.

"Alright ladies let's get started. Pair off!" Ingrid whisper-shouted.

Freya paired off with Ingrid. Watching them spare, I noticed that Freya was well trained, she's better than the men from the village that my father is trying to train for battle, which means that she's been training even after father declared that the village women would not be allowed to fight. As their secret meeting continued, all I could think was that Freya shouldn't have to fight, someone else, me in particular, should be fighting for her. I need to save her from this life, my mind is made up. I slowly turned around making sure not to alert the women, heading home.

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