Christmas Eve

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I never thought  even in my dreams that love exist. I despise the thought of being in love, as if t'was the most foolish thing that I could ever do.  

But destiny's playing a game. And I'm one of his characters. 

The day started normal. Took a bath, wore my uniform, ate some breakfast then went off. I was crossing a bridge when the rain started pouring down. The road started to get wet and slippery so I hurried to find shelter. Luckily, I saw a bus waiting shed. I was wiping myself when a girl came bye. She wore a uniform the same as mine. 

She was all wet and all I could offer her was a wet handkerchief. At first she was hesitant to take it, but later gave in. She muttered a silent "Thank you" Before whipping herself. 

She has this wet, black silky hair, pointy nose and beautiful brown eyes, screaming the word perfection, all over. I just can't helped it, but I stared at her. She look like a Character out from a book. A princess from the movies, a beautiful protagonist from a romantic movie.

"Hey" My senses came back when she waved her hand infront of me. "Thanks" She smiled then gave back my handkerchief. When the rain stopped, she again muttered a silent thank you and then run off. After that, we parted ways. Not knowing our names. 

December 1 

I saw her sitting on the shade of a tree writing. Her hair covering her left side. sitting by herself, I had a sudden urge to sit beside her. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. Instead of answering she distanced her notebook and continued what she was doing. "Hey? Answer me please, I mean, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but can we be friends?" I said. She looked at me then answered.

"I'm making a song." She sighed. 

"Oh. Okay" I mumbled, trying to keep the conversation alive. 

"This song is dedicated to someone special to me" She smiled then went off and again, I forgot to ask her name. 

December 24, 10 am

Its Christmas Eve. but still, I'm here, watching her. She's still busy writing that Song I was watching her, when reality hit me. I love her. I don't know when, don't know why, but I do. This, urge of protecting her, always looking at her. I know this may sound crazy, considering the fact that we've met last month, but love is unpredictable. You'll feel it whenever, wherever. I love her despite me, not knowing her name. 

11:20 PM

I was running to where her house is. With me was a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. Yeah. I know, this is all old school, but I can't think of anything besides the old one. Surprisingly her house was just a few streets away from me. 

I tried everything, writing a letter, singing her a song, everything. I even practiced my speech in front of a mirror, but imagining her looking at me intently made me feel shy. Her beautiful eyes, looking at me, makes me feel uneasy. 

But when I came, All I could think of was 'is this all a dream? 

All I can see are people, all mourning. Mourning a person inside a white painted coffin. I slowly entered the house, people all not minding me. They were all crying. I've made myself believe that she isn't the one laying inside the coffin. That, she is still alive and happy, that I will still have a chance to tell her how much I love her, that everything I felt is not a joke. 

But fate is clever. I saw her, sleeping. She's so beautiful that even death can't take away her beauty. Her lips are still red, she doesn't even look like she's dead. Hahaha, maybe this is all a prank? Maybe I'm just dreaming? Maybe. 

"Are you... Christian?" A middle age lady came by. I slightly nodded, then she gave me a slightly torn paper, with a cd. 

I headed home and quickly played the song. 

Hearing her voice. I cried.


Credits to: Miracles in December by EXO. The voice is not mine.

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