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-True Love, memories-

Demon and Angel AU

Hell and Heaven aren't constantly fighting like humans think. In fact, they have four meetings a year in which the high-ranked demons meet with the archangels. They call it a political meeting but in reality they just get drunk and laugh about the stupidity of humans.

Well that or getting drunk and trying to kill each other.

This meeting, for the winter solstice, is in Heaven. As always it occurs in the High Palace, and before you ask; yes, God exists and so does Satan, but if you ask the residents of each location they will tell you that their rulers are useless pieces of shit.  Angels and Demons handle everything. And I mean everything. From the temporary kinda-peace between their clans to the humans prayers.

The demons sent four, the angels sent two.

The demons were; Issei Matsukawa, Tetsuro Kuroo, Takahiro Hanamaki, and Hajime Iwaizumi.

The angels were; Toru Oikawa and Koushi Sugawara.


Toru Oikawa swirled the golden liquid around in his glass. Meetings had always bored him, and he wasn't fond of drinking. He was upset, the letter had said four demons but there were only three.

Where the hell was his Iwa-chan?

Kuroo pulled a chair out next to Oikawa "Not gonna drink?" He asked raising his glass. 

"It tastes bad." Oikawa replied.

Kuroo took a long sip from his glass "You're not usually this quiet." He said.

Oikawa surveyed the others again. The pink haired one was so drunk that his face almost matched his hair color. He was clinging to the arm of the black haired one whom, judging from the tint on his cheeks, was also drunk. Still no Iwa-chan. Oikawa turned back to Kuroo "Demons have really low alcohol tolerance."

Kuroo laughed "Not all of us, just Makki."

Oikawa sighed setting his glass down.

"Oh, where did that angel go?" Kuroo asked turning his head to the left and right "Sugawara, I think was his name?"

Oikawa nodded "Suga-chan has an incredibly low alcohol tolerance so he's probably puking somewhere."

Kuroo raised an eyebrow "Oh."

Kuroo drank three more glasses before he passed out. The two drunk demons had disappeared somewhere and it was quiet again. Oikawa stood up, he walked outside, towards the balcony. He sighed gazing at the city underneath him.

Everything in Heaven was white, from the walls of the city to the souls floating on the roads. Angels were the only things that weren't white, well actually nobody knows what color God is but some older Angels would say He is gold.

Oikawa was a light blue-green and white, Suga was silver and white, Lev was blue and white, Yamaguchi was a dark green and white. If you looked at the angels they were basically every color except black. Then again black isn't really a color at all.

Oikawa sighed,

"Mind if I join you?"

Oikawa didn't even turn towards the voice "If I said yes would you leave?"

"I don't see you for a half a year and that's the first thing you say to me?"

Oikawa turned, his eyes met dark green ones. He gasped "Iwa-chan?"

"You've got a horrible attitude for an Angel Trashykawa." He said.

Oikawa ran forward and wrapped his arms around the slightly older demon "I missed you Iwa-chan!"

Iwaizumi placed a quick kiss on Oikawa's cheek "Idiot you were going to cry if I didn't come weren't you?"

"N-no!" Oikawa responded pulling away "But why were you late?"

Iwaizumi shrugged "I had some work to finish, Makki was supposed to tell you."

Oikawa glared at him "Work is more important than me?" He pouted.

"Yea, sorry." Iwaizumi said, he walked to the balcony railing "So what have you been doing?"

"Just some paperwork, soul applications and stuff." Oikawa replied waving his hand dismissively "Not much."

Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow pinching Oikawa's cheek "Liar, I can see the dark circles under your eyes."

"Ow!" Oikawa rubs his cheek scowling at Iwaizumi who just rolls his eyes. Oikawa grabbed Iwaizumi's hand "I want to show you something!" he exclaimed dragging the demon inside. 

He led Iwaizumi down the winding hallways of the High Palace, Iwaizumi found himself lost since every corridor and every door was the same. But Oikawa seemed to know exactly where he was going, soon he stopped in front of a plain white door just like every other door, he swung it open and took Iwaizumi inside. 

The room was dark, Iwaizumi gasped it was beautiful. Bright stars moved slowly all around them. There were splashes of red, blue, sea green, purple and orange where nebulae were located.

"I've been working on this, it's a model of the sky as seen from Earth. He walks to the right of the room, "The stars you can see from here are the stars you would see from Tokyo, Japan right now!"

Iwaizumi marveled at the walls, it was truly a work of art "You made this?"

Oikawa nodded happily "Your the first person to see it, except me of course. What do you think?"

Iwaizumi turned to Oikawa, the stars reflected in the brunettes brown eyes shining, bright and beautiful. Iwaizumi stepped closer and in one swift motion pressed his lips to the taller boy's. Oikawa's eyes widened in surprise, then he kissed back. Iwaizumi pulled away "It's beautiful." He whispered. Oikawa smiled then wrapped his arms around Iwaizumi's neck "I missed you." He whispered against the shorter boy's neck.


AN: *Sighs* what even is this? 

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