Chapter 3: Everything's Perfect

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Hey everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the book so far. I just want to remind you that credits also go to Vivien Lew for her ideas and characters. She help alot with the ideas. The first few chapters will be in Elizabeth's P.O.V. Comment and Vote. If can please fan me and Vivien. 



Elizabeth's P.O.V

I was just walking around the woods near my village. Well it used to be my village. I got no where to go so I was just wondering around in the dark and creepy forest. Animals were all deep asleep. Only then I just realized that all my senses were sharper. I can see clearly at night even if it's all pitch black. I can hear clearer even if it's far away or too soft. I can smell better which allowed me to smell the forest better. It's a mix of moist, wood and the flower. I thought to myself about what to do now.

"I can't go back home. I can't go anywhere. What am I supposed to do now?" I softly whispered to myself.

"Maybe we can help you?" a voice said from behind me. I turned around and got in a protective crouch. There stood behind me was a family of 5. Three guys and two girls. 

"Who are you? How do you know I'm here?" i snarled at them. They seemed calm as they talked to me. 

"We're the Mason family. You see my daughter here can see the future so she saw you and we decided to see who's the new supernatural?" a older looking man said. I'm thinking that he's the father or leader. 

"Yes he is. Let us introduce ourselves first. I'm Michael Anthony Mark Mason but you can call me Mike." a guy with blond hair said. I looked at him and something inside me just sparked. We stared at each other for awhile but snapped out of it when a black haired girl snapping her finger infront of us. 

"Sorry" he said and looked down at his feets. 

"Don't bother about him. I'm Juliana by the way, Mike's sister. And this is my other brother, Taylor." she siad and pointed to the brown haired guy beside her. 

"I'm Violet and this is my husband, Marcus. It's nice to meet you dear." the woman with caramel colored hair said. She pointed to the man beside her when she introduced him. She's seems like a motherly type of person, all sweet and nice. 

"Why thank you. That's my mom. She likes to be kind to everyone." Mike said. 

"Your welcome. I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Eliza or Liz" I said and shaked hands with the leader, Marcus. 

"Nice to meet you Liz. Why don't you come to our house and we can talk about this comfortably?" he asked. I nodded and followed them back to their house. 

"May I ask where do you live?" I asked them.

"We live in Los Angelas. You will be shock if you find out why we're living there." Juliana said. 

"Okay." I said and with that we ran off to Los Angelas. I just found out that I can ran incredibly fast and I'm really strong. It feels so good to be indestructable but it's also good to have a family that you can stay with. 

We arrived at Los Angelas soon thanks to the speed we're using. At first I didn't believe when we were entering a huge gate.I thought it only lead to an average home. But I was wrong, they led me to a huge mansion. It was beautiful and huge. Guards everywhere. A garden, pool, green house, stable and many more surround the mansion. 

"Wow" I said completely shocked. 

"I know right? It's small." Juliana said. She danced into the house and jumped on the couch. She's such a spoilt kid.

"I know how you feel but when you have such a fortune, you'll act like that too." Michael said. 

"Are you some kind of mind reader or what?" I asked. 

"Yes sometimes it's awesome but sometimes it's horrible to read minds. Think of the horrible things that people thought in their mind." he said and shuddered. 

"Okay???" i said unsure.

"Elizabeth dear take a seat." Mrs. Mason said. 

"Thank you Mrs Mason." I said to her and sat down.

"Call me Violet. Why don't you tell us about your life?" she asked as she sat down on the couch. I told them my story and they all had a apologetic face.(A/N: I'm skipping the soty part since everyone already know.) 

"I'm so sorry dear. It must be so hard for you to cope." Violet said. 

"It had happened and nothing can change that. At least I got my revenge on him." I said with a evil smirk on my face. 

"You are welcome to stay here as long as you want. Michael why don't you show Elizabeth where will she be staying?" Marcus said.

"I don't want to trouble you all. I can just find a motel or somewhere to live." I protest. 

"That's alright dear. It's no trouble at all." Violet said. She's really is a nice person. 

"This way please Eliza." Michael said and I followed him. He led me down the corridor explaining every room we passed. He showed me my room which was just next to his on the third floor. 

"Thank you." I told him.

"What for?" he asked.

"For everything. A place to stay. For helping me." I told him and kissed his cheeks. 

"Good night Eliza. Sleep tight." he said smiling. 

"Good night." I said to him. I walked into my room and closed the door as Michael walked away. 

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