too soon

53 13 12

He came to me everyday.
I spend a lot of time with him now.
He insisted that he wanted to and could help me. I didn't argue with him.

I did not believe him but who knew deep down,
I had hopes too
that he could heal me...

× ×

She was better.
Better than ever before.
The much time I spend with her, I fell in love with her more and more.
Even I don't know how deeply I am in love with her.

It was choking me.
Being in love with her was making me sick, wanting more from her.

She would never love me because she doesn't know who I really am.

"The broken can understand broken"
Our friendship in one line.

How can I keep high hopes when I myself know she can't be healed?
That I can't heal her?

× ×

I cried everyday.
I call Taehyung whenever I felt like crying.

It was normal between us now.
Him being awake till 4 in the morning.
Me calling him late at night.

I wonder how he understood me. I wonder how he gave me high hopes.
Hopes that I can be healed.

That he can heal me....

× ×

I cried too much that now my tears doesn't come.

It understood her,
It hurt me deeply that I did.

Just like her, no one knows,
I am going through depression too...

× ×

"Just so you don't forget. I love you a lot and I will heal you..." Taehyung said.
"I-" Before I could finish he end the call.

I sat on my bed, staring out of the window.
Doing the thing I am best at...

× ×

I am really sorry.
I really am.
But I give up.
I can't heal her because her scars are worse
But mine are worst...

× ×

How easily he left me.
His family.
His friends.

He said he could heal me.
Couldn't we do this together?

But realization hit me late.
Realization that he too needed someone to heal him.

He choose to leave.
Should I chose the same?

The End

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