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Do you know what a vanishing twin is?
Well most of you do.. for those who dont it when one twin gets to live while he eats up the other. The body of the dead twin is no more. It's a medical condition that we all read about. We all know about. It's rare but it happens.
What you dont know is that only body of the dead twin is gone. But the soul.. my the soul remains to live an eternity of hell.
For we vanished jump from one body to another, living each day in a different time, a different body and playing a part of they were. It's just one day and we never go back to that body. They remember nothing of what happened to them that one day.
Sounds like an adventure right?
I wish it was. To me its life. Something I have had to endure everyday since I was born.
Its lonely. For I never had parents. I dont know who they are. I never had a friend to talk to. I never had a boy or a girl I cant tell what gender I am cause really i am just a soul right. I have no gender.
Nothing actually just this empty pit and the performance I liked each day.
Each and everyday of misery until I found it.
My it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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