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Izuku could tell you the exact word for how his morning went.


It was a shitty morning. Oh and just wait, his day gets even better (that's sarcasm).

Waking up his eyes felt groggy and his head was pounding for no apparent reason other than it being a little bitch. Oh wait, there was a reason. He fell asleep at his desk, again. At another ungodly time of the night (technically morning but hush).

Sitting up, his hands reached for his head when a dull throb presented itself. He also noticed that his neck hurt like hell when he turned it, further souring his mood. But, no big deal, it's a new day, he shouldn't let this bad awakening ruin it.

Stretching his arms and rolling his neck, releasing satisfying cracks, he checks the time and stands up and gets ready for the day.

Turning to his right, he grabs his phone and makes his way downstairs, well, attempts to make his way downstairs. As he opens the door to his dorm, apparently his body isn't fully awake yet, as he slams the door on his foot, which makes a sickening crack and aches painfully. He wonders if it's broken for a second, seems that breaking his bones every day for a few months really heightens his pain tolerance. He decides to ignore it as it isn't really inhibiting his movement and proceeds to walk to the stairwell.

On his way he passes Kaminari, who waves enthusiastically towards him.

"Good morning Mido!" He greets. Midoriya replies 'good morning Kaminari' with a half assed wave. The keep walking their own ways and Izuku finds himself conflicted.

The elevator and stairs are right next to each other. He would usually take the stairs but the, now, dull pain in his foot begs him to take the elevator.

Now, being the reasonable, and self caring person that he is (that last part was sarcasm, again), he takes this stairs and gives a metaphorical middle finger to his foot.

'My foots already gone numb so no point in trying to lessen the pain now'.

Oh, you poor, dumb, self sacrificing idiot, if only you knew that you were maybe to fall down some of the stairs and basically snap your ankle. Cus that's what you did, ya dumbass, honestly, I swear.

When he was halfway down the stairs his knees decide, 'y'know what? Let's just completely fail as being knees, and stop working completely. Wouldn't that be fun?'. So, when his knees refuse to lock he loses his balance and falls onto his ankles awkwardly, only barely managing to grab onto the hand rails and not completely roll down the stairs like a sonic the hedgehog rip-off. The ankle on his already damaged leg, snaps to the side in a very unnatural way.

'That's not good,,, i think' his thoughts supply him, but are completely irrelevant when he feels a sharp pain stab its way up his leg. 'Alright, breathe for a sec, this is fine, I'll just push it back into place, no one will notice, surely!". Fucking do not you broccoli bitch, do you even know how fucking bad what your thinking of doing is???

Apparently not, as he sits down on the stairs grabs his numb foot and twists it make into place.

'Perfect' he thinks, like an idiot.

Unfortunately, this time he can't try and hide a limp when he puts weight on his leg. It is very obvious. Making his way down the rest of the stairs, he can't help but grimace every time he puts pressure on his bad leg, a sharp pain making itself known and showing no mercy to this lil babsy broccoli.

Getting to the bottom of the stairs feels like he's reached the gates of heaven without using his legs cus they're being stabbed by bloodthirsty elmos or something.

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