Grow up Timmy Turner!!!

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  Hi my name is Jade Abigail Turner, I'm sixteen years old longing for adventure, and the daughter of Mr.Turner and Mrs. Turner. I have long black hair, olive skin, and jade green eyes hence forth how I got the name Jade. I like to wear some makeup even though I'm a tomboy, I also always wear my long black hair in a braid or in two braids. My whole life I've been wanting to go on adventures due to me being a tomboy, only my early life wasn't a day at the beach. My biological parents didn't want me, so they put me up for adoption. When I was about six years old, my parents Mr. and Mrs. Turner adopted me. They named me Jade because of my eyes, I also have an older brother named Timmy. As I grew up with my brother, I learned that he has three goldfish living in his room I share with him. I then learned his secret, his goldfish named Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof are not just any goldfish. They're Timmy's fairy godparents and fairy god brother, Timmy is the only one who told me his big secret. I helped him with keeping them a secret, I did a great job with it. Since I did that, I earned a wish for anything I wanted. I don't remember what I even wished for, only it's okay Timmy and myself are super close and best friends. 

  Years after I came along, Timmy and I both grew up. Only I really grew up, Timmy didn't really grow up. Along the way I learned why he never grew up, he didn't want to lose Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof forever. Now that's where our story begins, on the morning of March 21st. The morning of now 23 year old Timmy's birthday, and our soon to be big adventure together. When Timmy woke up the morning of his 23rd birthday, his fairies surprised him and gave him a gift. After Timmy got his gift, he opened it and it was a sword wait it was a sword? Yes it was sword, then this pirate ship came into the room upstairs which me and Timmy shared. Since Timmy was an only child before I came along, there wasn't enough room for me to have a room of my own so I shared a room with Timmy. Luckily the ship came in on the side of the room, I had no plans to get my side of the room and my things in it destroyed. Some of the things I owned were things Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof granted a wish for me, while the others were not things I had wished for from the fairies. Anyways from there Timmy and the fairies all battled each other while I watched and cheered them on, then in the end Timmy won the battle against the pirates. I then came from my side of the room to where Timmy was at, and we celebrated both the win and his birthday with some cake. Then Jorgen Von Strangle came out of nowhere to our house and to our room, he came a few times to our room over the years only it was more for Timmy and not really for me. The only time Jorgen came to the room to see me was to welcome me to the family, as well as the fact I could share Cosmo and Wanda with Timmy as well as keeping Timmy's secret along with him. Jorgen then gave Timmy a gift for his birthday, then he opened his gift from Jorgen. It was a copy of the book da rules, over the years when we made wishes or when Timmy made wishes he would be told about things against da rules and then the book would appear. Usually Timmy was the one who had to have the talk about it, while I wasn't given it much. The only time I was really given that talk was this one time, so at school there was this big contest I had with my soccer team. I really wanted to win it and win it as a team, then I wished for that as in for us to win the soccer game. Only the moment I wished it or tried to wish it, I was given the da rules one of them is the fact that the fairies can't help me or Timmy win any contests. At first I wasn't too thrilled to hear that, only now that I think about it all it makes total sense why they can't help me or Timmy with that. In the end after that was a wish I wanted so much, we ended up winning that game in soccer. The moment Timmy got the book or the gift as Jorgen was trying to make it look like, he read one of them. "A godchild loses his fairies when he grows up, uh not me. He leaves home not me, or experiences life's true magic love." Timmy read aloud to us all, with the fairies cheering in the back. As Timmy said that all same for when the fairies were all cheering, Jorgen and I just stood near each other and were thinking the same thoughts. Then Timmy said his point of all going on, "again not me. The only girl I ever kissed was Tootie, it was thirteen years ago it was forced upon me and I did not enjoy it." Timmy told us all, at the moment I then remembered Tootie and when that happened to them. I also remembered it that my first kiss also was forced upon me by my ex, I didn't really like him and he was head over heels in love with me. On and off he threatened me not to leave him when I wanted to and to me it was healthy thing to do, so one day he just forced me to kiss him. I did that, and like Timmy didn't enjoy it so I could feel Timmy. I also again remembered Tootie too, I always thought that she was so cute. I also loved it when she was always so obsessed with and in love with Timmy, to me I thought that she was perfect for him too. Only Timmy always loved Trixie Tang, I never liked her as well as I always thought that she was so mean and so spoiled. At the same time I always thought that Tootie and Timmy would end up together one day, and who knows what she might be doing now. She could have changed a lot over the years, while Trixie didn't change I also thought that she could be married to either Tad or Chad by now. All in all, Tootie was perfect for Timmy I always knew it that they were right for each other. At that moment a thought or a thought bubble appeared near Timmy's head in his thought was a geeky then ten year old Tootie making a kissy face, Timmy and Jorgen winced a bit. I tried really hard to not laugh at that bad thought, so I made sure to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Sometimes when I tried to not laugh, I always bite my lip to avoid it. Timmy then thought that Tootie had moved away years ago and that no-one had seen her since then, Wanda then pulled out a heart shaped like device. It was called a love meter, when it was pulled out it showed that Timmy wasn't in love at all and with no-one too. If he was in love I sure did hope it wasn't at all with Trixie, I always hated her and she was always so mean, spoiled, and vain. Jorgen then was really frustrated with all that was happening right now, then he told Timmy this. "Your fairies are in risk of getting either exposed, or captured.'' Jorgen then was going to do all that he could to make sure Timmy fell in love no matter what it took to do that, and then from there Jorgen then went away. I was still thinking all about what just happened, and I never told Timmy about Tootie being right for him as well as who knows if we would see her again. 

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