A fairly odd Christmas saving and celebrating it together.

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After 23 years of not growing up and acting child like to keep his fairies, my brother Timmy Turner at last grew up. The moment Timmy made the choice to grow up after all, he ended up keeping his fairies Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof. The only way Timmy could keep them was this, he couldn't make wishes for himself any longer, only he could make wishes for others. He made wishes or quite a lot of them for me, only he made wishes for others besides me. From there with Timmy making wishes for others not himself, we all began a company called wishful thinking where we went around the planet and granting wishes for others. Right now I am currently a 17 year old junior in high school, I am even closer now to graduating soon. It is now the holidays as well as the fact we got out super early for break this year, since we all got out earlier I could join Timmy, Tootie, and the fairies on their runs in the van. Our second story begins here and now, one day close to the holidays we were all flying around the world granting wishes for kids. One girl wished for a real unicorn, while another girl wished for a big truck, and a boy asked for his toy not to be a toy any longer and it coming to life. After we flew around granting wishes for everyone, we then decided that was time to head back home to Dimmesdale. "Wow what a day we've had, wishful thinking is on a roll today." I told Timmy, Tootie, and the fairies. After we parked the van and got out of it, we were getting out of it and walking around in town. After Timmy got out of the van, he helped me get out then Tootie got out of it. Since our van is really small, I always sit in between Timmy and Tootie. They're fine with me sitting in between them, they always tell me that they're glad that I join them in their adventures together. We are all a big family, the fairies are apart of it too. After we got up, we began to walk all around town. I loved seeing all the decorations around Dimmesdale around this time, the holidays is my favorite time of the year same for the best time of the year. While we were all walking around, we then ran into mom and dad. They were both happy to see us, and they were also doing some charity work too. "Mom, Dad it's great to see you again." I told mom and dad hugging me, ''it's great to see you too Jade how is your brother and Tootie all doing?" Dad asked me, "we're all doing just great." I told Dad after he hugged me and asked me how we were all doing lately, after that Timmy asked mom and dad what they were doing. Afterwards on that, mom and dad then told Tootie not to call them to tell them that Timmy was coming back home, he finally moved out of the house yes only I still live with them when I am not with Timmy, Tootie, and the fairies. While talking to mom and dad, they then told us what they would like for Christmas. Mom wanting a computer, while dad wanted a magical pony that pooped ice cream. Then ate it and pooped it again, then it pooped gold and a motorcycle. I thought that was a bit odd, same for what both of them wanting were both crazy. After walking around in Dimmesdale, we then heard a voice. "Timmy Turner,'' said the voice. After we heard it, we had no clue where it came from. Then we heard it again, "down here tree stump." The voice said, we then looked down and saw two elves. A male elf and a female elf, they introduced themselves as Dingle Dave and Christmas Carol. After we met and they introduced themselves to us, the elves and the fairies all began to fight and argue. While they were all fighting and arguing, we all looked at each other in confusion since we had no clue what they were fighting and arguing over. As the arguing and fighting kept on going, Tootie then stepped in to stop it all. "Wait isn't this the time for love and peace on earth,'' she told the elves and the fairies. After that statement was made, we were then told the Santa needed a word with Timmy. From there we then got in their car and took off the the North Pole, while in the car I was wondering what or why Santa needed a word with Timmy. To me my brother was the nicest person I ever met, same for he never makes wishes for himself any longer. So why would he need to talk to Santa, same for was he possibly on the naughty list this year?

The moment we arrived at the North Pole, we all got out of the car and looked around the place. I was amazed that I was actually at the North Pole, I always knew it was real. Only I was amazed I was actually standing in it, while we were getting out we saw that Timmy's teacher Mr. Crocker had followed us there. After we saw him, he got chased by a polar bear. To me that was sorta funny actually, Dingle Dave and Christmas Carol took us to Santa's workshop. I was so amazed at all I was seeing, while in there Dingle Dave and Christmas Carol were showing us around the place and explaining functions of the worship too. After we took a look around the place, Santa then came into the room and he then told Timmy he needed a word with him. Right after that all happened, Santa then came and welcomed us all to the workshop he also told us he remembered every gift he brought us all. Then him and Tootie talked about all the gifts he ever gave her, after we all talked Santa then told us he needed to see Timmy. After that me and Tootie walked around the workshop waiting for Timmy to get done with Santa, while we were all walking around the place we were both talking about why Timmy and Santa were talking together. "I wonder why Timmy and Santa are talking one on one, same for why we got sent here?" I asked Tootie, "I have no clue why we are here Jade. I don't think your brother would be on the naughty list or anything, he is truly the nicest person ever." Tootie told me, I agreed with her about Timmy being the nicest person we ever knew. After we all walked around and talked about all going on, Timmy then got done with talking to Santa. After Timmy and Santa talked to each other, he found me and Tootie and explained why they talked to each other. Timmy then explained to us that he has been using Cosmo and Wanda's magic to grant kid's wishes, same for the wishes are Christmas wishes leaving Santa without a purpose of granting them. From there Timmy then told us this Santa told him with "with great power, and that includes magical fairies, comes great responsibility. Afterwards, Timmy was given two candy canes from Santa. We then all kept walking around the place, then one of the elves told us that the gift making machine got jammed again. Then Santa went to go and look at it, after that happened. Something soon to be really bad happened, Timmy wished that he could help it quit breaking down so much. I was glad he was trying to help yes, only something in me thought that something bad was going to possibly happen soon. The fairies did indeed grant that wish for both Timmy and Santa, only there was a consequence of it. Their magic in an elf made building was not going to work as planned, because of that thought. After Timmy made that wish, Santa then fell into that machine and then was given amnesia because of it all. When we we went to see if Santa was okay, he then thought and claimed to the the Easter Bunny. Oh no, from there the workshop then went haywire too. The worksop began to shut down since Santa was out of commission now, oh no was Christmas ruined now because of Timmy? Out of nowhere then came Jorgen Von Strange the toughest fairy of them all, after that he gave Timmy a box as in a gift. In reality it was really da rules book, Jorgen then told Timmy that he had to now fill in for Santa now. I believed that Timmy would do a great job filling in for Santa, from there Carol then brought Timmy Santa's hat. Timmy took off his pink hat and handed it to me for me to wear for a bit, after I put on Timmy's pink hat Santa's shop seemed to work under Timmy's control now. Woo hoo Christmas now was going to be saved, only there was a backfire on us all. An elf named Tinsel Ted told us some bad news, Timmy wasn't able to fill in. The reason why that happened was this, Timmy was on the naughty list! In order for him to fill in was this, he had to get his name off of the naughty list. We then were told we had to try and find Elmer the elderly elf, he was the true keeper of the naughty list. From there we all set off to find Elmer and get Timmy off of the naughty list, Crocker went with us to get himself off of that list too. We were told that this was going to be deadly, only Tootie and I both would go with Timmy to help him. The fairies were going to go too, only Cosmo made excuses not to go. In the end we drug him with us, same for the elves went with us too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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