Chapter 4

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Percy strolled out of the house, the beautiful aroma of Annabeth's cooking wafting into the afternoon air.
"Little girl!" Percy called out. He extended his senses outward, and felt her behind a nearby tree.
"Sallina!" he cooed. He looked behind the tree to come face-to-face with a celestial bronze dagger.
"Name yourself or be destrowed," she said, her lisp turning the 'y' into a 'w'. Percy knelt down and carefully took the dagger.
"You shouldn't have that," he said firmly, "that's mommy's."
Sally pouted, but let him take the knife anyway. Percy pushed the hair out of her face,
"You need to come in and eat. We have food."
Sally stuck her bottom lip out, and crossed her arms. Percy had to turn away or else he would cave.
'Stand tall and don't take no for an answer!' Annabeth had demanded. Yeah, that went out the window when Sally busted out the puppy dog eyes and pouty lip.
"You have to come in," Percy demanded. So he grabbed his daughter and threw her over his shoulder.
"Why does mommy not use the knife?" Sally asked, and Percy chuckled,
"She has a better one. She doesn't see a reason to."
"But it's pwetty!"
"It is pretty... you can't have it."
"Oh! Come on daddy!"
Percy was glad that he couldn't see her face, or else he would gladly give the knife to her.
Percy marched up the driveway, just as he saw a Ford Escape pull into the driveway. Nico stepped out of the driver side door, and Leo stepped out of the passenger side door. Percy came up to his porch, stooped over, and placed Sally onto it.
"Go inside," he said, "I'll be inside in a little bit."
He kissed her forehead and pushed her lightly to the door. Sally went inside as Percy turned around. From the back came a face that he hadn't seen in years.
"Hey Percy," Bianca murmured. Percy stepped forward,
"I... I thought you were dead."
She shrugged,
"I was, but things change."
Percy gestured to the chairs on the porch, and took a seat. Everyone sat down,
"I would offer you tea, but Sally hid the kettle and I can't find it."
Nico leaned forward,
"Percy, we have a way to bring back everyone."
Percy froze mid-sentence, as Leo continued.
"Bianca thought of it, but if we use some kind of time-altering essence, and the immortal world is full of creatures that can do that, we might be able to control time, and pop out in a different time."
"And, what do we do then?" Percy said, "Just live out our lives in that new timeline? Displace everything for our own selfish reasons?"
Leo shook his head,
"No, we find where each of Chaos' power capsules are. We bring them back, snap our fingers, and bring everyone back."
Percy leaned forward, shaking his head,
"Look, this isn't my thing. I'm a marine biologist, this is more Annabeth's thing. She has a minor in theoretical physics."
"Architecture major?" Leo asked, and Percy scoffed,
"What else would it be?"
Percy shook his head,
"My point is, we might have a few vials of Kronos' blood lying around. Annabeth took a few samples, but it's just not an option for either of us."
Leo leaned forward,
"Don't you think that she should decide that-"
"Leo, we've talked about it over and over and over. We've contemplated what would happen if we were faced with a decision to bring everyone back. If this had been right after Ogygia, that would be one thing. But, in there is my family. Our decision is no."
Bianca leaned forward,
"Percy, I have memories of everything that's happened since I died. I know I wasn't there, but don't you want to bring everyone back?"
Percy leaned forward, intertwining his hand,
"Bianca, listen to me. I'm happy that you're back, I'm glad to see you again, and I'm sorry for not doing more. It's good that you have the memories, because you know what we've been through. But you weren't there. You weren't there during the Battle of Manhattan as I had to choose between giving a knife to the King of the Titans or keeping it myself. You weren't there during the Giant War as I fell into freaking Tartarus. You weren't there as I had the ax planted into Chaos' chest. To be honest, I'm just tired. I'm tired of all the wars, all the destruction, and all the death. I'm sorry guys, but I can't."
Percy glanced over as the door opened, and Sally stepped out. She climbed onto Percy's lap and wrapped him in a hug.
"Mommy said to come save you," she murmured. Percy wrapped her in a hug,
"Thanks," he said, "I've been saved."
Percy stood up, easily lifting his daughter. He then looked at the three of them,
"I wish you would've come here for something else, anything else."
Percy let out a deep sigh,
"If you guys want to stay for dinner, feel free to."
Percy walked inside, Sally wrapped around his neck. Nico leaned back with a groan.
"Well that's a bust."
Bianca paced back and forth,
"I'm not sure what to do. We should bring everyone back."
Leo breathed in deeply,
"Um, I might be able to do something. It won't be pretty, but it should be functional."
Nico raised an eyebrow,
"Are you sure you'll be able to do it?"
Leo shrugged,
"I think so, just give me a couple days. I have to gather the supplies."

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