One Week

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"It took me a while but I realized that I never really knew what joy was. Well, till I met you guys that is..."


"Hey guys I- I need to talk to you."

That one sentence, those nine words, they were setting off alarms in her head and she didn't like it. Her smile faltered and she gave her friend her full attention noticing how the smaller female looked just about ready to give up. There was pain in the girl's voice and Nala hated it. Whoever made her friend of one year so upset would pay dearly.

"I'm moving back to Cali with my mother."

Nala frowned in confusion but she didn't get a chance to ask.

"Since when did you live with your mom?" That was Freddie, always so straight to the point and though it was annoying at times it seemed his voice calmed Tech down enough to answer.

"I don't have a choice Freddie. It was either go with her or have my nephew get sent to an orphanage and gods know I wouldn't ever let my family be hurt by that woman."

"Bu-but why do you have to move to California?!" Nala nearly shouted gaining the attention of the entire classroom. A few murmured and it just annoyed Nala more when Tech sank into her chair.

"I have a week before I have to leave. Well, that or run away and chance my nephew and sister being torn apart." Dark and dry humor with a touch of realistic possibility. It made Nala smile a sad smile.

"I will kidnap you and bring you to my house if that's what will make you stay." Connor replied seemingly serious. It brought a small chuckle from Tech, those two were like siblings in a weird way.

"And who's going to make the coffee shop and tear up the desert with me! If you're gone I'll have no one to get me out of trouble!" Kenny, selfish little annoying Kenny who Nala simply wanted to rip to shreds. However Tech always stopped her from beating him to a pulp unless he deserved it but that was rare.

"You shouldn't need someone to keep you out of trouble Kenny!" Tech gave a grin as Kenny just laughed. "Of course with me gone you better cause double the chaos! Just don't get jumped, or die, or kill someone, and don't fail school. Oh and make sure that-"

"Alright mmoooommmm." The taller groaned amusing Nala. Nala snorted while trying to think of something to say. "But seriously we'll just force our families to follow you or somehow get your mom to adopt us." There was a slight gleam to Tech's eyes at the suggestion, a look of hope that felt like a stab to the heart.

"Unlikely but if you somehow manage to do that I suggest we run away together and either go to Paso or King City. I have a few old friends that might help."

"So you said you only have a week left here right?" Tech merely nodded her grin slowly falling. Nala merely gave an evil grin as an idea came to mind.

"Then let's make this a week no-one will forget!"

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