•- How you met

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AN: Sorry these might not be super long- I had to do like 15 characters so 😅😅

Tw: Mention of Suicide and slight swearing.

Tony Stark/ Iron Man:

Y/N was a troubled teen to say the least, but it only became an issue when she dragged those troubles into her adult years. Y/N wasn't like your average human, she was special. Okay well by special I mean she was evil little witch bitch who still hasn't come out of her emo stage. Anyways.

Y/N was prowling the streets of New York City, her hands in her pockets and her face permanently facing the pavement as she continued to speed walk through the streets, dodging the hundreds of arrogant pedestrians. Y/N looked up for a second, once she did her brows furrowed, something was different. The auras she saw that burned like a flame around the humans were dim and grey, she was use too seeing bright and roaring flames, but this could only mean one thing. Death was about to come for every single one of these innocent souls before her.

Y/N began to panic. "No... no I can't do it." She breathed heavily and curled into a ball on the floor. 'Do it' the voices bellowed. "No! I can't, they don't deserve it!" Y/N shouted aloud. The voices continued to repeat the words Do it, Y/N covered her ears and continued to breathe heavily, her eyes quickly switching between white and black until they bled into a glossy black colour.

She rose to her feet and slightly hovered in mid air her hand out stretched infront of her, a evil smirk spread across her lips. "Die." She said softly as she quickly turned her head to the side, her hand that looked like it was holding a ball turned in sync with her head. At first, nothing happened, the streets were just silent. Then suddenly, the ground split in half and a black smokey orb appeared from between the crack. It split into marbel sized balls and shot towards the people like bullets, everyone screamed and Y/N laughed, black tears dripping from her eyes as the inner Y/N tried to break through.

Everyone looked in confusion as the bullets had not hit a single person, Y/N growled in frustration. "Who dares to stop my massacre?!" She bellowed, everyone was silent as she looked around with a snarl. "That would be me." A male voice said from behind her.

She snapped round, a angry looked plastered on her face. She was met with Tony Stark, with his usual smug look on his face. "Who are you?" Y/N questioned him, her expressions switching between anger and sadness, the inner Y/N once again trying to escape. "I was here to ask you the same question, but I'll go ahead and call you Wednesday Addams." He said jokingly in reference to her emo like appearance. Without hesitation Y/N commanded one of the bullets to shoot towards him, with one swift gesture Tony thought he blocked the bullet of smoke, instead it began to consume him and his suit.

He fell to his knees and groans, looking up towards Y/N who smirked back at him. "Hey Wednesday Addams, do you ever think your life is so dark and shit cause you have your head up your ass 24/7?" He chuckled, squeezing out his last joke before what seemed like an inevitable death occurred. "We have a comedian it se-" Y/N clutched her head once again, groaning and screaming in pain as she dropped onto the pavement. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!" Y/N looked at Tony and her eyes switched between black and their normal colour. "I-im so s-sorry." She managed to say before passing out.

Once she passed out the bullets evaporated and the crack instantly disappeared. Tony took a deep breath once the smoke that almost choked him to death evaporated. He looked at Y/N and rolled his eyes before talking into his suit. "Friday, call Steve Rodgers and send my location." "Of course sir."

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