Chapter 1-Part 1: Quarantine

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As I remember the day it all began, I've wondered why. From thousands to millions of people within minutes, all consigned to a grim fate that will forever exist to haunt those who survived day one.

Entry log #1. As many people managed to survive the initial outbreak, many more parished. However I suppose I should begin my documentation from the beginning, before our mundane lives became a hell we've never faced before.

My name is Nick McClain, I'm a single 25 year old man though I suppose specifics may mean very little at this point. I've been into journalism since college and since then have covered many of cases in which some may find mysterious. My current and most challenging yet is looking into this organization known as X-Cell Corp. From everything I've gathered they're a new bio science division for the U.S. government and at first glance not much else, at least to the untrained eye.

X-Cell, from what I've dug up from deep web files has some things they didn't think would be leaked. On careful inspection, they ran sketchy experiments with live specimens like small vermin. Their methods may have been odd but otherwise nothing the government hasn't done before, that's until I saw archived footage from the few experiments they did. Regrettably now, I didn't watch. I shut my laptop and pondered for awhile, eventually I just ended up going to bed.

Tuesday, June 9th 2017. I woke up feeling a strange anxiety, I just thought it was because I forgot to take my meds but for some reason this felt different I just couldn't put my finger on it. Eventually I just thought nothing of it and went about my morning routine, made some breakfast then headed out to the office. I didn't have anything fancy just a pretty standard writers den, not too long after I sit down I get a knock on my door.

"Nick?" a muffled voice asked. I answered "Yeah come in".

A co-worker of mine rushed in delivering a sense of dread and panic but before I could ask anything he dragged me out to the lobby and pointed out the window. I didn't make anything out at first, but then I looked out into the bay. At first glance it just looked like rows of boat streams but I didn't see any boats at all, I didn't know what to think until I started hearing the news in the background.

I faintly heard something about two cargo ships spilled some kind of oily substance in the bay due to a collision between the two, I then noticed them out the window starting to tilt and those odd looking streams coming straight from the accident. I noticed the streams hit the side of the bay wall and the people above take a few steps back. Everything was quiet for a good few minutes, but as soon as the reporter was about to speak the ships explode then something pitch black blurs across the screen and hits the reporter, cutting the screen black.

The explosion shook the building and even shattered some of the windows where we began to hear distant screams. "What the fuck was that?!" a co-worker exclaimed. Everyone was shaken and confused about the whole situation as I was, but the situation soon went from disaster, to absolute horror in a blink of an eye.

I saw everyone running not from the explosion, but from what was causing those streams in the water. These... things I couldn't tell what the hell they were but they were fast, faster than any person. Everyone started panicking further, questioning what was going on. I eventually jumped back to my senses and started making a run for it to the ground floor, but by the time I got outside I wasn't prepared for what I witnessed. Those things already made ground to about 4 blocks from our building, I bolted for my car and started the engine as fast as I could.

I heard these inhuman shrieks getting closer echoing through the parking garage, I sped out onto the streets going around 60mph. I kept looking back and saw those things jumping on people, I could barely keep a steady breath but I kept driving and ended up slowing down when I pulled up on multiple people running the opposite direction.
My heart froze knowing they had to have been running from the same things as the people behind me, the fact they were coming from different directions made me feel trapped.

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