Chapter 1

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Scott mcCall, Peter Hale and Alan Deaton were the only ones of the pack to live after the final battle against Monroe and her hunters. The trio of survivor were back the animal clinic in Beacon Hills where Deaton told the two werewolves that he can send all three of them back to past and change everyone life to get better. "The three of us would need touch the forehead of our family to remember everything leading up to their death, but for Talia and Laura will get memories from all three of us as soon as you touch them Peter. The past may change because Scott isn't werewolf yet so we need to see what has change of our past and how it would affect our new future." Deaton explain to Scott and Peter then Peter said, "Scott, I want you to restore Derek and Cora's memories because you and Derek treat each other like brothers also for Cora she confess that she was in love with you as she was dying." Scott understood what Peter was saying and will be able to do it cause what Peter said was true about Derek and Cora also Scott knew he was in love with Cora as well. Deaton instructed Peter and Scott to get ready to be sent back in time and they arrived a year before the Hale Fire even happened. All three of them were ready to do this and make a better future for themselves and their love ones, then Deaton began to chant in Gaelic as light around them began to shine until it consume them. 

In the year 2004, young Scott McCall woke up abruptly as he screamed because the memories of his future self came at him so quickly that he held his head as all of the memories have been sorted. Scott was going through his memories and knows what he has to do because he will protect his family, friends and love ones then his mother Melissa along with Satomi Ito rushed into his room. "Are you alright sweetie? The both of us heard you screaming from downstair, did you have nightmare?" Melissa asked her son. Scott was thinking on what he will say to both women then decided to say, "Mom, Satomi I need both of you to have a open mind because Deaton, Peter Hale and myself came back from the future cause Gerard Argent began a war between the supernatural and the hunters. I know the both of you don't believe me, but I can proof it to you by placing my hand on your forehead so you will remember everything from the old timeline. Do you trust me?" The two ladies were thinking it over then nodded their head to him and he raised both of  his hands so he could touch their forehead with two fingers. As he place his fingers on their forehead, both Melissa and Satomi began to see their memories from the future came rushing in that both of them held their head for a while then Scott got out of bed to change out of his pajamas to wear blue jean, white shirt with black hoodie over it along with blue sneakers. 

Scott went downstair to eat breakfast then about 10 minutes later Melissa and Satomi came downstair to talk to him then Melissa hugged Scott for restoring her memory as well being a fantastic son and good alpha, Satomi thanked him as well. Scott told them that they needed to the animal clinic since Deaton will be restoring the memory of Deucalion and Kali while Peter Hale would the same to Talia and Laura. The ladies agreed with him and decided to go right away to clinic to see Deaton, so after they ate breakfast together then all three of them got into Melissa's car with Melissa driving them to the clinic. On the drive, Scott told his mom and Satomi what happened to Kate Argent and their final fight against Monroe then Satomi notice that Scott left something out of the story but she decided it might important for everyone to hear it once they reach the clinic. Satomi was shocked that Scott asked her to give him the bite when he's fifteen, she asked him why and Scott responded, "I know that my mom is werewolf as well part of your pack because when I touch her forehead the wolf within me sense that she was a werewolf." Both ladies were surprise by his explanation and happy that he's ok with his mother being a werewolf, also Satomi told Scott he probably wouldn't need the bite because he's a born wolf like his mother since he came back from the future and his alpha power are suppressing it until the time is right to unleash. 

Just then the trio arrived at the clinic, as they notice the Hale family are here as well and they entered the clinic to see Derek Hale, Cora Hale, Laura Hale, Peter Hale, Talia Hale, Deucalion, Kali, Alan Deaton and Marin Morrell waiting for them to come and discuss what Peter and Deaton said as well their memories being restored. Scott walked over to Derek and Cora then both of them knew what Scott was about to do and accept it as he place two fingers on their forehead. Derek saw all of his memories as well his relationship with Kate and Jennifer but one relationship that he care about was his first girlfriend Paige so who still alive today and saw that he and Scott were like brothers til the end. Cora was seeing the important memories of her life but one memory she saw was her confessing her feelings to Scott as she was dying in his arms that made her cry realizing she was truly in love with him. About five minutes, the two were done with their memories being restore as they notice that Scott was talking to Deaton about involving Sheriff Stilinski in their plan but before Derek could say something, Cora got out the chair and ran over to Scott to hug to him as she was crying. Scott felt Cora wrapping her arms around him as well her crying on his back, everyone notice this but Scott turn around to hug her back and nodded his head towards Peter and Deaton. 

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