Field Trip

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I promised Rose I would ride with them, but I didn't tell anyone I started an investigation. However Edward stopped that van uninjured, no one should have walked away alive. I get ready,

 I get ready,

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and I go downstairs

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and I go downstairs. Darren and I say hi to Kevin, he grunts because he is eating. We head out to Bella's truck, as she drives to school. Bella is really confused about Edward. "Bella, don't worry, I'm sure he is a little confused as well." I reassure her she nods. We park, we take out our permission slips, and walk to our teacher. Bella is stopped by Mike and her friends. Darren and I hand our slips to the teacher, Rose calls us over. Rose herds us to the bus, I sit next to Edward with him next to the window. He is looking out towards Rosalie and Emmett sit across from us. I hear Alice talking to Darren, so I look back there. They were sitting behind us, I see Jasper behind Rose. He is staring at me, instead of his golden eyes, his eyes are coal black. Rose touches me, I look at her.

"He is Sorry. I'm not protecting him because he's my twin, but he is really sorry." She says, with a sad smile. I look at him, then look at her, I smile a quick smile. I turn to Edward.

"Hey." I get his attention. "If you like her then tell her. Otherwise don't string her along." I say I get up before he could say anything. The talking stops, I know they're looking at me, waiting to see what I'll do, I have decided.

I have decided, I turn toward Jasper. "Can I sit?" I ask him, I am testing him. He nods and scoots over, so I could sit. I sit and takes a deep breath. "Look, I'll forgive you this once. If you treat me like I Stink, have a disease, or I'm some kind of repellent again, I won't forgive that a second time." I look down, I realize my hands were enterwined, squeezing each other too tightly. I squeeze harder, until Jasper put his hand on top of mine. I look him in the eye, he keeps staring me in the eye, like he was searching for something there.

"I won't treat you like that again, I promise. Treating a lady like that is unforgivable." He says, I take notes in my head on how he talks and how his eyes change. I notice he is talking like he was from a different time. The bus starts to move.

"OH! Rose." I called to her she looks back smiling. "Thanks for saving me, and Edward thank you for saving Bella. I don't know how I would've gone on without her or my brother." I say, I see them all tense up, even my brother. What is he so tensed about? I question in my head.

"You're welcome." Edward voices. I smile.

"Sel." Darren says like he knows why I said that.

"I would not have survived without them. They are my family." I feel my eyes burn, threatening to cry. No don't cry people are watching.

"Selene are you ok?" Edward questions. I nod, faking a smile. I suddenly feel a wave of calmness, it was like that calmness wants me not to cry.

I look at Jasper, he gently squeezes my hand. "I'm going to take a nap." I lean my head back and shut my eyes. I fall asleep. I have the same dream, the one when we first came. I was running in the woods, I was excited about something. Until I get to the cliff I sit down, take my stuff out and start to draw a new manga. I felt a hand on my shoulder it was cold, but again before I could see who it is I wake up. I open my eyes, I find myself leaning on Jaspers shoulder.

"Come on, Selene it's time to get off." Rose says, I get up and follow her. We all go walking inside the greenhouse, except Edward he follows Bella.

"I heard Bella is going to Jacksonville for prom." I nod "Are you going too?"


"Are you going to prom?"

"Probably not, I have no one to go with."

"So, you would go if someone asks you?" He asks, studying me.

"If the right person asks me." I look at him, I wonder if he'll get the hint.

"Oh." He doesn't get it. I run to Rose grabbing her arm, she looks at me and giggles.

"Emmett may I talk to Rose alone, please?" I giggle out, he nods and falls back to Jasper, I took us further so I can talk to her.

"What's up?"

"Why doesn't guys ever take the hint?"

"What hint did Jasper not take?" I told her of our conversation, she giggles. "Oh, that hint. Jasper completely missed it." she laughed. "So, do you want him to ask you?" I nod. "Well I'm sure he'll get it and ask you."

"I hope you're right." We both giggle, we get on the bus. I see Bella storm off, I get on the bus. "Edward!" I shout. "Why is Bella upset?" He looks at me.

"Because I'm terrible at words." He looks down. "I'm trying to get to know her, but ruin it somehow." I look at him dumbfounded.

"Just be yourself." I say before sitting next to Jasper, Rose and Emmett is sitting across from us Alice and Darren across from Edward. The bus leaves as soon as everyone gets on.

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