Untitled Part 2: Fourestkik banishing!!!

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firsar locked Up. "all cats gator who are old enough to catch therev one pray?!!!" Sad glamestar. "moonskit , my best dogtaur, is now appent ice!". Forskit and moothkit were sad. So was deadkit, who vvas ded. Very fed. Forestleaf said "but ma'am she's only 2 memes old!" Gleamgleam signed. "thog dont care". Foreskin and moothski were mad. Four mewle "STARSTAR YUO SUCK MOUSE !#!#!$+=**__#=+__!" Scargleam was angry. "swearing is bad! I banish!" starbucks said. "NO MOM I DON MENA IT I WASSSSŠD MAS!????" Fouskit yowlllleed. Foressstar ran away, her green pelt barley noticeable in thagrass. "good tyhe brat is gon sad glemasar. moonaw didn like wha her mom did o her siser. "mom why did yo do ha.?" she sayed. "becase swearing is agains he bibble" "b we're cas we can read bibble" sad moonKitti. "too bad  now we can" sad sarar. hackfors said somesing bad. "IM AM BAKE OF WITH YUP BECADE I FOUND OOT I WAS GAT FOR ASSFUR-KUN" "HAWKFROST NOOŌOOOOPPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Said gleamkit.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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