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It has been around 500 years since Europeans met Indigenous Peoples. The relationship still needs work. Some call that work reconciliation, while others call it the 8th Fire. The 8th Fire is a First Nations Prophecy that says that now is the time for all people to come together and build a new relationship. In Winnipeg, one in ten people is either First Nation, Inuit, or Metis. That's the largest Indigenous population per capita of any Canadian city. But a lot of Indigenous Peoples feel practically invisible, pushed out, and rejected by society. Indigenous Peoples have also been stripped of their culture, had their families torn apart, had their rights taken away from them, and so on. Collective rights are necessary and must be kept. By learning to accept the Indigenous population, respecting Indigenous needs and identities, and giving back to the Indigenous population by keeping and honouring their collective rights, we can bridge the divide between cultures and form a stronger relationship to fuel the healing process. 

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