Hate You, Love You (GTOP One-Shot)

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"What?!" Ji Yong shouts at Seungri. The younger man flinches before he speaks. "Chief Choi said to redo the magazine cover. Lee Sung Kyung looks pretty in the picture that the fonts of the featured article are too big. And red text color doesn't look good with the blue background." Seungri said nervously as he explains the details to Ji Yong.

Ji Yong wishes that 'The Purge' was real, so he had the right to kill Choi Seung Hyun on the spot. In his 5 years working in Diamond Magazine, the first three years were peaceful until Choi Seung Hyun became the editor-in-chief two years ago. He's a pain in the ass for Ji Yong. He's the editor-in-chief, but he always questioned Ji Yong's work as the design director. From the pictorials, magazine layout, and what picture to include and not. He's getting into Ji Yong's nerve for a long time. Still, Ji Yong keeps reminding himself that he will not find other company that will give him this freedom, a 9 am to 5 pm working time, with over a million won salary, generous benefits, and health insurance, and paid vacation bi-annually. Everything is perfect in his work, except for the existence of Choi Seung Hyun.

Ji Yong took a deep breath before speaking, "So, what's the almighty Choi Seung Hyun wants, then?"

"Adjust the fonts so we can highlight Lee Sung Kyung's photo and change the font color to white or baby blue. He also said that you need to make his name in bold letters on the credits," Seungri said.

Ji Yong rests his back on his chair. "Tell the boys to work on it. Then show it to your highness after you do it." He said sarcastically. Seungri nodded and left his office. Ji Yong forms his hand into a fist and looks at the door.

'That pompous idiot!' he said while Seung Hyun was on his mind.


That night, Ji Yong was drinking alone at the bar. After a long day of work, he needs alcohol in his body and to numb his mind to stop himself from thinking about Dong Young Bae.

Young Bae is one of the photographers in Diamond Magazine. He's one of the guys in the company who is nice, and everyone admires. He's very professional with his work, and he treats everyone well. Ji Yong has been working with Young Bae for four years. He's one of a kind, and it is not surprising that Ji Yong fell for him.

But Ji Yong made a mistake two weeks ago.


Young Bae enters the pantry and saw Ji Yong sitting on the chair while having coffee.

"Ohh. Director Kwon!" Young Bae smiles as he goes to the refrigerator to get some energy drink. "Coffee break?" Young Bae asks.

"Yeah," Ji Yong mutters. He looks up at Young Bae. He opens the energy drink bottle and drinks it. Ji Yong is hesitating, but he will never have another alone time with Young Bae like this, so he gathers his thought and takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Young Bae, I have something to tell you." Ji Yong stuttered.

Young Bae dumped the bottle in the trash bin before facing Ji Yong. "What is it?"

'This is now or never.' Ji Yong thought. He stares at Young Bae with determination in his eyes.

"I love you!" he blurted out. Young Bae remains his eyes on his boss before he chuckles and shakes his head. "I love you, too, boss! You've been a good boss to me these past four years. And I'm forever grateful for your kindness towards me," Young Bae sincerely stated.

Ji Yong shook his head. "That's not what I mean. I love you. I am in love with you. I've been for a long time now." He confessed. Looking at Young Bae, he can see that he looks awkward at the tension between them.

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