Chapter 43: Nothing Changed, Only Secrets & A Sickness

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*Nagual is now facing off against All for One with daggers and no Quirk to help her. All to protect the two boys Todoroki and Dabi from All for Ones grasp*

Todoroki: Nagual don't!

Tenya: *gets up in pain* Damn it...

Hitoshi: Guys.......*points out towards Nagual's face*

Todoroki: *looks up and sees bright Rainbow hair and unique orange eyes*......No.....that's......

Tenya: It.... Can't be.....

Todoroki, Hitoshi, & Tenya: Lex?.......

All for One: .......*starts laughing* This is perfect!!! *looks at her seeming to remember something*

Nagual/Lex: ......*breathes in and out*........*eyes close*.........*sigh* [Murderer!!!!].......

Tenya: Why!?

Hitoshi: Lex!.......*hand on knees trying to get back up*

Todoroki: Nagu-Lex don't engage in battle!

All for One: ..*clicks*.... Heh, I thought those eyes where familiar, never thought you'd still be alive experiment #0018. Hmm, I thought he terminated you because of the pathetic results you created after we modified, and then having to get rid of those memories, along with the boy's info. Since you seem so close to him......

*Silence fills the air....... No one makes a move after what All for One had stated. Shock is what the others are feeling. The confusion starts to raddle their brains by the news of Nagual or now known as Lex has some sort of connection to All for One. But Lex's hearing clicked to one word Experiment and the Boy, It started to break walls in their cognitive mind, holding something within*

Dabi: 'Nagual?... 'Experiments?.... Though Hands did mention his teach's scientist conducting experiments in the past, about first nomu hybrid human prototypes.....But...What does she have to do with that?'

Nagual/Lex: *the pain rushes back to her like shots of electricity. Claws at neck feeling a tingle in the scars that resides there*

All for One: Come on, attack if you want to protect your pathetic friends here...... That you have been lying too, but that would have been a given since we have erased it along with the memories....... But once I'm done with you I'll kill them... And the others who fled. And I'll enjoy every second of it!! Like I did to that Boy!!!

Hitoshi:.....Oh no........ 'Not again!'

Tenya: If Lex is really Nagual, Then!

Todoroki: She's that.....

Lex: *Snaps head up looking dead center at All for One with eyes gleaming but not a bright orange but a bright blood red, a snarl of a beast escapes her scarred throat* {YOUR} NOT GOING TO HURT {MY} PACK!!!!!!!!!! *leaps at All for One*

Todoroki and Tenya: LEX!!!!!!!! 'Not again!!'

All for One: *smirks and transforms hands* Well show me how you're going to protect them!!

*Lex with only two daggers, fight off All for One using what seems to be her instincts and rage keeping her alive in this battle*

Hitoshi: We have to stop them before this goes on for any longer!

Dabi: We can't get any closer unless we want All for One in touch reach!!!

~In Lex's head~

???: '[Hunt].......[Kill].........[Turn]......[Boy].....

Lex: 'Aaarrrgggghhhhh'

*Voices echo in her head telling her attacks, magic, to kill this lying fool*

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