Author's Note/Warnings

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Welcome to the rewrite of Stockholm Syndrome.

There are a lot of changes we are going though with this version of the story, the biggest being that it is no longer written in a "x reader" style. The reader has been replaced with an original character as our protagonist (I'm sorry y/n).  I'm confident that while this is a hard change, it's a very good one that everyone will enjoy.

Updates will be every Friday, starting on the 14th of February. The updates will include either one chapter or two, depending.

Now that that's out of the way, here's the required content warning bullshit I have to state 'legally'.

This book is meant for a mature audience.

There are scenes which depict the following: graphic depictions of violence, mental and emotional sabotage, sexual situations, mentions and depictions of drug abuse/addiction, attempted suicide.

If you have an questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment or message either of us.

- Wozzah and dear_wormwood

I'm sorry we have to do this:

Concerning some of the allegations surrounding this story started by those who have not read it, my co-author dear_wormwood and I would like to clarify that there are no depictions of r*pe. This story is also not meant to glorify abuse, or romanticize abusive relationships. If you'd take a quick moment to read the title of the story, it's called Stockholm Syndrome. If you use context clues or have any basic understanding of the term, you can put together why our protagonist dismisses the antagonist's behavior at times. Murdoc is the villain, not only in the Gorillaz lore, but in this story as well. We love Murdoc as a character and love writing him as his weird and witty self, but we don't condone his actions. That being said we also refuse to sugarcoat the intensity of the situations out of respect of victims like Wozzah, who started this story as a way to cope with his own abuse. If abuse is a touchy subject for you and you have no interest in being educated in the subject through storytelling, then we recommend you don't read it.

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